2019 Member Points
Show Name | Show Date | Type of Meet | Award | # In Class | Variety and Breed | Age | Exh. First Name | Exh. Last Name | Total Points |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 753 | Bearded Gray Silkie Bantam | H | Alison | Abbott | 9 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 115 | Bearded Gray Silkie Bantam | H | Alison | Abbott | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 241 | Gray Silkie Bantam | H | Alison | Abbott | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Red/White | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 73 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Sandy | Abel | 6 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion SCCL | 150 | White Jap Bantam | P | Martin | Abrahamsen | 10 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 181 | White Jap Bantam | P | Martin | Abrahamsen | 9 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 122 | White Jap Bantam | H | Martin | Abrahamsen | 6 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 66 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | K | Scott | Adams | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 12 | Brown African Goose | C | Scott | Adams | 6 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 212 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Scott | Adams | 2 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion Large Fowl | 223 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | K | Scott | Adams | 17 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 151 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | H | John David | Adkins | 26 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 761 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Clell | Agler | 11 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 383 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | C | Clell | Agler | 2 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 959 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Clell | Agler | 6 |
Central Heritage Poultry Show White Card | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 190 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | Doug | Akers | 9 | |
Central Heritage Poultry Show White Card | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 55 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | Doug | Akers | 6 | |
Central Heritage Poultry Show Yellow Card | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 55 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | Doug | Akers | 7 | |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 78 | Black Sumatra Bantam | C | Doug | Akers | 5 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion AOSB | 39 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 10 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOSB | 39 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | K | Doug | Akers | 5 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion American | 69 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Doug | Akers | 5 |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 46 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 5 |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 27 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 2 |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 61 | Black Sumatra Bantam | K | Doug | Akers | 2 |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 46 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 5 |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 46 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 2 |
Orange Blossom Special Blue Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 222 | Black Sumatra Bantam | K | Doug | Akers | 6 |
Orange Blossom Special Blue Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 28 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 5 |
Orange Blossom Special Blue Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 28 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 2 |
Orange Blossom Special White Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 317 | Black Sumatra Bantam | K | Doug | Akers | 11 |
Orange Blossom Special White Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 82 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 6 |
Orange Blossom Special White Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 304 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 8 |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion American | 51 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 5 |
Pearl River Classic Show 2 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion American | 51 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 5 |
Pearl River Classic Show 2 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 51 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Doug | Akers | 2 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 52 | Black Sumatra Bantam | C | Doug | Akers | 2 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 622 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 11 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 135 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Doug | Akers | 6 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 26 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 2 |
White River Poultry Club | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 142 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Doug | Akers | 6 |
All Things Poultry Event, Show, Green Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Landfowl | 214 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | Tony | Albritton | 9 |
All Things Poultry Event, Show, White Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 37 | Speckled Sussex Large Fowl | H | Tony | Albritton | 6 |
Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 97 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | Tony | Albritton | 9 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 9 | Bronze Turkey | P | John and Danielle | Alden | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 530 | Buff Brahma Bantam | P | Kendra and Kim | Aldrich | 6 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 115 | Buff Brahma Bantam | P | Kendra and Kim | Aldrich | 5 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 261 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | p | Kendra and Kim | Aldrich | 6 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Featherleg | 868 | Buff Brahma Bantam | P | Kendra and Kim | Aldrich | 25 |
Yankee Fall Classic | 10/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 78 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Robert | Allison | 2 |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 51 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | H | Patricia | Anderson | 2 |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 27 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | H | Patricia | Anderson | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion English | 27 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Teresa | Anderson | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 39 | Brown African Goose | K | Teresa | Anderson | 6 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion English | 27 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Teresa | Anderson | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 11 | Brown African Goose | K | Teresa | Anderson | 2 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion Large Fowl | 93 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | H | Patricia | Anderson | 17 |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Champion Asiatic | 33 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | C | Dave | Anderson | 15 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 32 | Brown African Goose | C | Teresa | Anderson | 6 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 16 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Teresa | Anderson | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 32 | Brown African Goose | H | Teresa | Anderson | 7 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 16 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Teresa | Anderson | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion English | 45 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | C | Teresa | Anderson | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 25 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | C | Teresa | Anderson | 2 |
White River Poultry Club | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 42 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Teresa | Anderson | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 45 | White Leghorn Large Fowl | C | Steven | Androes | 6 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 37 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Steven | Androes | 12 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 189 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | K | Steven | Androes | 2 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 27 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Steven | Androes | 2 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Champion SCCL | 83 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | Steven | Androes | 10 |
All Things Poultry Event, Show, White Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 52 | Gray Call Duck | H | Paul | Ashbrook | 4 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association Green Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 72 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Kathy | Ashcroft | 6 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association Green Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 31 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Kathy | Ashcroft | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association White Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 72 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | C | Kathy | Ashcroft | 7 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association White Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 72 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Kathy | Ashcroft | 3 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 47 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Kathy | Ashcroft | 5 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOSB | 47 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Kathy | Ashcroft | 5 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 131 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Anthony | Ashley | 2 |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 61 | Dark Cornish Bantam | P | Anthony | Ashley | 2 |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 481 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Anthony | Ashley | 6 |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 668 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Anthony | Ashley | 11 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 131 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Anthony | Ashley | 2 |
Cocke County A and I Fair | 7/23/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 248 | Black Langshan Bantam | H | Meghan | Atchley | 11 |
Dixie Classic Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 1 | White Guinea | C | Meghan | Atchley | 2 |
Jefferson County Fair | 8/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 229 | Black Langshan Bantam | H | Meghan | Atchley | 6 |
Jefferson County Fair | 8/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 298 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | P | Meghan | Atchley | 9 |
Cowichan Community 4-H Club | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 25 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | Victoria | Aubin | 2 |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion Mediterranean | 25 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | B and J Leghorns | 10 | |
Lorain County Fair | 8/20/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 605 | Black Old English Bantam | C | B and R Poultry | 11 | |
Lorain County Fair | 8/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 83 | New Hampshire Bantam | P | B and R Poultry | 2 | |
Lorain County Fair | 8/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 45 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | C | B and R Poultry | 2 | |
Lorain County Fair | 8/20/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 83 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | C | B and R Poultry | 5 | |
Lorain County Fair | 8/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 68 | Silver Duckwing Old English Bantam | K | B and R Poultry | 2 | |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Champion Goose | 9 | American Buff Goose | H | Lewis | Bacher | 2 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Guinea | 31 | Pearl Guinea | H | Lewis | Bacher | 12 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Champion Waterfowl | 67 | Welsh Harlequin Duck | C | Lewis | Bacher | 29 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Champion Heavy Duck | 43 | Aylesbury Duck | C | Lewis | Bacher | 10 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 188 | Black Cayuga Duck | H | Lewis | Bacher | 14 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 55 | Brown China Goose | C | Lewis | Bacher | 11 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 188 | Buff Goose | C | Lewis | Bacher | 13 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 17 | Buff Goose | C | Lewis | Bacher | 5 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Champion Heavy Goose | 18 | Gray African Goose | K | Lewis | Bacher | 10 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 39 | Pearl Guinea | K | Lewis | Bacher | 10 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 20 | Roman Tufted Goose | H | Lewis | Bacher | 5 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 43 | Rouen Duck | H | Lewis | Bacher | 5 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Turkey | 27 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Lewis | Bacher | 5 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 18 | White Embden Goose | C | Lewis | Bacher | 5 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 98 | American Buff Goose | C | Lewis | Bacher | 8 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 1 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Royal Palm Turkey | K | Lewis | Bacher | 1 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 11 | White Embden Goose | C | Lewis | Bacher | 7 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 27 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Lewis | Bacher | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 12 | Buff Goose | K | Lewis | Bacher | 7 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Lewis | Bacher | 1 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 1 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Royal Palm Turkey | K | Lewis | Bacher | 1 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 12 | Buff Goose | K | Lewis | Bacher | 7 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Lewis | Bacher | 1 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | Lavender Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 1 | |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | Pearl Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 2 | |
Rocky Mountain Feather Fanciers Futurity | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | H | Lewis | Bacher | 2 |
Rocky Mountain Feather Fanciers Futurity | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Lewis | Bacher | 1 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 30 | American Buff Goose | C | Lewis | Bacher | 11 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 11 | American Buff Goose | K | Lewis | Bacher | 5 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 13 | Pearl Guinea | K | Lewis | Bacher | 5 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | H | Lewis | Bacher | 1 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 162 | Black Cayuga Duck | H | Lewis | Bacher | 8 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 36 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Sandra | Bailey | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 92 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | Sandra | Bailey | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 92 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Sandra | Bailey | 2 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 54 | Buckeye Bantam | K | Aaron | Baker | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 20 | Buckeye Bantam | YT | Aaron | Baker | 12 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion AOCCL | 70 | Buckeye Bantam | K | Aaron | Baker | 10 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 70 | Buckeye Bantam | P | Aaron | Baker | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 42 | Buckeye Bantam | YT | Aaron | Baker | 6 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 341 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Baker | 11 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion American | 74 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Baker | 10 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion Large Trio | 10 | Buckeye Large Fowl | YT | Aaron | Baker | 10 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 106 | WF Black Spanish Large Fowl | K | Kara | Baker | 6 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 248 | WF Black Spanish Large Fowl | K | Kara | Baker | 11 |
Backwoods Benefit Poultry Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 58 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Aaron | Baker | 3 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 141 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Aaron | Baker | 7 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #2 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 44 | WF Black Spanish Large Fowl | K | Kara | Baker | 6 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 57 | Buckeye Bantam | K | Aaron | Baker | 2 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 26 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Baker | 2 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 29 | WF Black Spanish Large Fowl | C | Kara | Baker | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | Brown African Goose | C | Kara | Baker | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | Buff African Goose | H | Kara | Baker | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 181 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Aaron | Baker | 11 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 174 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Aaron | Baker | 8 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Champion American | 33 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Aaron | Baker | 25 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Champion AOCCL | 57 | Buckeye Bantam | C | Aaron | Baker | 15 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 57 | Buckeye Bantam | C | Aaron | Baker | 7 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 96 | Buckeye Large Fowl | YT | Aaron | Baker | 11 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 202 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Carl | Baker | 2 |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 51 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Baker | 2 |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 6 | Buff African Goose | K | Kara | Baker | 2 |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | Buff African Goose | K | Kara | Baker | 1 |
Pearl River Classic Show 2 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 6 | Buff African Goose | K | Kara | Baker | 2 |
Pearl River Classic Show 2 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | Buff African Goose | K | Kara | Baker | 1 |
South Central Classic Show 1 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 328 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Aaron | Baker | 9 |
South Central Classic Show 1 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 70 | WF Black Spanish Large Fowl | K | Kara | Baker | 6 |
South Central Classic Show 2 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 70 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Aaron | Baker | 7 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 50 | Buckeye Bantam | P | Aaron | Baker | 2 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 94 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Baker | 6 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 4 | Brown African Goose | C | Kara | Baker | 2 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 50 | Buckeye Bantam | C | Aaron | Baker | 5 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 4 | Brown African Goose | C | Kara | Baker | 2 |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 200 | Buckeye Bantam | K | Aaron | Baker | 8 |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 62 | WF Black Spanish Large Fowl | K | Kara | Baker | 7 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association Green Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 70 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | Athena | Balderas | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association Green Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 18 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Athena | Balderas | 9 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association White Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 70 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | Athena | Balderas | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association White Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 18 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Athena | Balderas | 9 |
Cape Fear Poultry Assocation | 2/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 647 | Blue Langshan Large Fowl | C | Tim | Ballenger | 9 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association Blue Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | Buff Toulouse Goose | H | Tim | Ballenger | 1 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association White Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 53 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | P | Tim | Ballenger | 7 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association White Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | Buff Toulouse Goose | H | Tim | Ballenger | 1 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1400 | Blue Langshan Large Fowl | C | Tim | Ballenger | 10 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1400 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | H | Tim | Ballenger | 11 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 773 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | H | Tim | Ballenger | 9 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 29 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | P | Tim | Ballenger | 2 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 349 | Black Langshan Bantam | P | Tim | Ballenger | 5 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 541 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | H | Tim | Ballenger | 11 |
Uniontown Poultry Association | 4/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 91 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | C | Tim | Ballenger | 6 |
Uniontown Poultry Association Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 103 | Blue Langshan Large Fowl | P | Tim | Ballenger | 7 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 66 | Blue Cochin Large Fowl | P | Danny and Teresa | Banks | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 53 | White Cochin Large Fowl | H | Danny and Teresa | Banks | 5 |
Red Hill Bantam Club | 11/30/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 53 | White Cochin Large Fowl | H | Danny and Teresa | Banks | 7 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 39 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Carl | Banta | 2 |
Central Main Bird Fanciers Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 298 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | H | Aurora | Barbosa | 6 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 359 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | H | Aurora | Barbosa | 8 |
Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 533 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | H | Aurora | Barbosa | 9 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 39 | Partridge Cochin Large Fowl | H | Richard | Barczewski | 7 |
Red River Bantam Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 174 | Black Old English Bantam | H | Andy | Barnes | 5 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 294 | Black Old English Bantam | H | Andy | Barnes | 2 |
Illinois State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 39 | Golden Penciled Hamburg Large Fowl | P | Phil | Bartz | 2 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 55 | Black Muscovy Duck | K | Jacob | Bates | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 35 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 22 | Blue Muscovy Duck | K | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 4 | Bronze Turkey | K | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 4 | Bronze Turkey | H | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 815 | Bronze Turkey | C | Jacob | Bates | 14 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Turkey | 22 | Bronze Turkey | C | Jacob | Bates | 6 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 27 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 8 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 141 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 13 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | K | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 18 | Pearl Guinea | K | Jacob | Bates | 10 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 18 | Pearl Guinea | K | Jacob | Bates | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 141 | Penciled Runner Duck | K | Jacob | Bates | 14 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 40 | SC Golden Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Jacob | Bates | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 341 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Jacob | Bates | 9 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Show Champion | 815 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Jacob | Bates | 16 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Grand Champion Trio | 42 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | YT | Jacob | Bates | 12 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 25 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Bronze Turkey | K | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Bronze Turkey | H | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 62 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 8 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | Jacob | Bates | 2 | |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | Jacob | Bates | 1 | |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 26 | Silver Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 47 | White Runner Duck | C | Jacob | Bates | 6 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 12 | Aylesbury Duck | H | John | Bates | 9 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 12 | Aylesbury Duck | C | John | Bates | 4 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 57 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Jacob | Bates | 8 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 51 | Black Muscovy Duck | P | Jacob | Bates | 3 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 17 | Bronze Turkey | C | Jacob | Bates | 7 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 17 | Bronze Turkey | H | Jacob | Bates | 3 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 57 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 4 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | K | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | P | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 120 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Jacob | Bates | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Bantam Trio | 21 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | YT | Jacob | Bates | 10 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 51 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Jacob | Bates | 6 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 25 | Black Muscovy Duck | YT | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 17 | Bronze Turkey | C | Jacob | Bates | 7 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 17 | Bronze Turkey | H | Jacob | Bates | 3 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 719 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 10 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | K | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | P | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Bronze Turkey | K | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Bronze Turkey | H | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 7 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 3 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | K | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 7 | Penciled Runner Duck | C | Jacob | Bates | 4 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 5 | Penciled Runner Duck | K | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 181 | Bronze Turkey | K | Jacob | Bates | 6 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Bronze Turkey | H | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 7 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 3 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | K | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | H | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 181 | Penciled Runner Duck | K | Jacob | Bates | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 5 | Penciled Runner Duck | C | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 194 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Goose | 65 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 5 |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 47 | Black Cayuga Duck | John | Bates | 12 | |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 9 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | John | Bates | 2 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 206 | Blue Muscovy Duck | H | Jacob | Bates | 7 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 8 | Bronze Turkey | C | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 8 | Bronze Turkey | C | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 20 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 7 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 5 | Pearl Guinea | C | Jacob | Bates | 2 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 5 | Pearl Guinea | P | Jacob | Bates | 1 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 156 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Jacob | Bates | 13 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 54 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Jacob | Bates | 5 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Show Champion | 723 | Bronze Turkey | C | Jacob | Bates | 16 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Turkey | 13 | Bronze Turkey | H | Jacob | Bates | 6 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 723 | Brown African Goose | C | Jacob | Bates | 15 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 14 | Brown African Goose | H | Jacob | Bates | 5 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 13 | Pearl Guinea | K | Jacob | Bates | 10 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Duck | 126 | Penciled Runner Duck | K | Jacob | Bates | 11 |
White River Poultry Club | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion English | 42 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | P | Sarah | Batz | 5 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 104 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | K | Michelle | Bauer | 5 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 104 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | C | Michelle | Bauer | 2 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 81 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Michelle | Bauer | 2 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 100 | Dark Cornish Large Fowl | H | Michelle | Bauer | 2 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 343 | White Pekin Duck | P | Michelle | Bauer | 6 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Goose | 30 | White Embden Goose | K | Michelle | Bauer | 5 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 210 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Michelle | Bauer | 6 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Duck | 63 | White Pekin Duck | H | Michelle | Bauer | 5 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 278 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Beamer’s Poultry | 6 | |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 101 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Beamer’s Poultry | 2 | |
Georgian Classic | 6/15/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 297 | Buff Brahma Bantam | H | Beamer’s Poultry | 11 | |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Champion Large Fowl | 249 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | K | Beamer’s Poultry | 17 | |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Grand Champion Trio | 26 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | Beamer’s Poultry | 2 | ||
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Champion American | 60 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Beamer’s Poultry | 15 | |
West Niagara Fair | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 365 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | Beamer’s Poultry | 10 | |
West Niagara Fair | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 101 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | Beamer’s Poultry | 3 | ||
West Niagara Fair | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 169 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Beamer’s Poultry | 6 | |
West Niagara Fair | 9/7/2019 | Club | Champion American | 34 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Beamer’s Poultry | 5 | |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 9 | Brown China Goose | C | Carl | Beard | 1 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion SCCL | 246 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | Carl | Beard | 5 |
Friendship Poultry Club Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 2 | Black East Indie Duck | P | Carl | Beard | 4 |
Friendship Poultry Club Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 2 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Carl | Beard | 2 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 86 | BB Red Modern Large Fowl | C | Carl | Beard | 2 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 174 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | Carl | Beard | 5 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 33 | Bronze Turkey | C | Carl | Beard | 7 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 302 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Carl | Beard | 6 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Champion American | 51 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | C | Carl | Beard | 5 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 1071 | Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Carl | Beard | 7 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam | 451 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Beaty and Diaz | 11 | |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Show Champion | 650 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Beaty and Diaz | 15 | |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 104 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Beaty and Diaz | 7 | |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 27 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | K | Beaty and Diaz | 5 | |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 26 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | K | Beaty and Diaz | 2 | |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 106 | Blue Wheaten Old English Bantam | P | Beaty and Diaz | 2 | |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 364 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Beaty and Diaz | 6 | |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 513 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Beaty and Diaz | 8 | |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Champion AOSB | 37 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Beaty and Diaz | 10 | |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Champion Large Fowl | 116 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Beaty and Diaz | 12 | |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Old English | 93 | White Old English Bantam | H | Beaty and Diaz | 5 | |
Cape Fear Poultry Assocation | 2/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 538 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | John | Beauchamp | 2 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 272 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | John | Beauchamp | 2 |
Uniontown Poultry Association | 4/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 92 | White Cochin Bantam | K | John | Beauchamp | 2 |
Uniontown Poultry Association | 4/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 75 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | John | Beauchamp | 2 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 52 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Michael | Becker | 2 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 59 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Michael | Becker | 6 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 51 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Michael | Becker | 2 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion American | 26 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | Michael | Becker | 5 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 26 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | H | Michael | Becker | 2 |
Denver County Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 8 | Pearl Guinea | H | Joshua | Bell | 1 |
Denver County Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 8 | White Guinea | C | Joshua | Bell | 2 |
Denver County Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 5 | White Holland Turkey | H | Joshua | Bell | 2 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 162 | Gray Toulouse Goose | P | Blake | Bell | 9 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion Game | 169 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Bennett Family | 10 | |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion RCCL | 129 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | Bennett Family | 5 | |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 2662 | Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam | H | Bennett Family | 8 | |
Just Peachy Classic Green Card | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion RCCL | 71 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | Bennett Family | 7 | ||
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 71 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | Bennett Family | 5 | |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 174 | Porcelain d’Uccle Bantam | H | Bennett Family | 2 | |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 2194 | Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam | H | Bennett Family | 8 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 52 | Black Old English Bantam | H | Bent Spur Bantams | 5 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 52 | Brown Red Old English Bantam | H | Bent Spur Bantams | 2 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 52 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Bent Spur Bantams | 2 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 52 | Brown Red Old English Bantam | H | Bent Spur Bantams | 5 | |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 107 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Robert | Bentley | 5 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 107 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Robert | Bentley | 2 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 108 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | Robert | Bentley | 2 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 114 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | P | Robert | Bentley | 2 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 114 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Robert | Bentley | 5 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion RCCL | 220 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Robert | Bentley | 5 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion RCCL | 704 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Robert | Bentley | 25 |
Rochester Poultry Association | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 475 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Robert | Bentley | 13 |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 83 | Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Will | Bergen | 6 |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 37 | Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Will | Bergen | 2 |
Oregon State Fair | 8/23/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 44 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Ed and Marjorie | Best | 11 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 130 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Bantam | K | George | Beyer | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 254 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Bantam | H | George | Beyer | 2 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 475 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | George | Beyer | 11 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 50 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | George | Beyer | 2 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Grand Champion Trio | 72 | White Leghorn Bantam | YT | George | Beyer | 12 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion SCCL | 353 | White Leghorn Bantam | P | George | Beyer | 5 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Show Champion | 6260 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | George | Beyer | 31 |
Rochester Poultry Association | 10/6/2019 | State | Champion SCCL | 51 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | H | George | Beyer | 10 |
Rochester Poultry Association | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Champion SCCL | 51 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | H | George | Beyer | 5 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion SCCL | 126 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | H | George | Beyer | 7 |
Yankee Fall Classic | 10/13/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 78 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | K | George | Beyer | 5 |
Uniontown Poultry Association | 4/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 56 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Anthony | Bezok | 2 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Reserve Champion American | 80 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | P | Bruce | Bickle | 12 |
Coombs Fair | 8/10/2019 | Provincial | Show Champion | 252 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Bruce | Bickle | 16 |
Cowichan Community 4-H Club | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 27 | Black East Indie Duck | P | Bruce | Bickle | 9 |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 51 | Black East Indie Duck | H | Bruce | Bickle | 2 |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 78 | White Call Duck | C | Bruce | Bickle | 7 |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 476 | Black East Indie Duck | H | Bruce | Bickle | 10 |
Fraser Valley Poultry 2019 Lawn Show | 5/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 116 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | H | Bruce | Bickle | 9 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion Waterfowl | 68 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Bruce | Bickle | 19 |
Saanich Fair 2019 | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 152 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Bruce | Bickle | 5 |
Saanich Fair 2019 | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 37 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | H | Bruce | Bickle | 6 |
Saanich Fair 2019 | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 76 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | H | Bruce | Bickle | 8 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Red/White | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 31 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 5 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Red/White | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 73 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | K | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 7 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Red/White | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Red/White | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | K | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Yellow/Blue | 1/5/2019 | State | Show Champion | 497 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | K | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 16 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Yellow/Blue | 1/5/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Yellow/Blue | 1/5/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | K | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #1 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 28 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #1 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #1 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | White Guinea | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #2 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 28 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #2 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #2 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | White Guinea | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 36 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 13 | Pearl Guinea | H | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 5 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 36 | White Marans Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 5 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 58 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 10 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion English | 56 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 10 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | K | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 5 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 449 | Wheaten Marans Large Fowl | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 6 |
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club Blue Card | 2/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club Blue Card | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club Gray Card | 2/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club Gray Card | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Just Peachy Classic Green Card | 1/12/2019 | District | Champion Continental | 33 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | H | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 15 |
Just Peachy Classic Green Card | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Continental | 33 | Wheaten Marans Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 7 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 33 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | H | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 101 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | K | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 6 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 40 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | H | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | K | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 40 | White Marans Large Fowl | P | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 5 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | K | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 2 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 1 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 449 | Wheaten Marans Large Fowl | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 6 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Guinea | 12 | White Guinea | C | Skip and Jennifer | Bittner | 7 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 53 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | H | Julie | Black | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 184 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Julie | Black | 5 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 101 | White Chantecler Bantam | K | Julie | Black | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 530 | Partridge Chantecler Bantam | K | Jakob | Black | 6 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion American | 53 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | H | Julie | Black | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 429 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | H | Julie | Black | 9 |
Anderson Bantam Club Fall Show Blue Card | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion RCCL | 161 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | K | Black Coffee Ranch | 10 | |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 224 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | H | Black Coffee Ranch | 2 | |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 23 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | YT | Black Coffee Ranch | 12 | |
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club Blue Card | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 117 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | H | Black Coffee Ranch | 2 | |
Just Peachy Classic Green Card | 1/12/2019 | District | Champion RCCL | 71 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | Black Coffee Ranch | 15 | ||
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 224 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | H | Black Coffee Ranch | 2 | |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 23 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | YT | Black Coffee Ranch | 12 | |
Central Maine Bird Fanciers Fall Show | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Royal Palm Turkey | P | Linda | Blackman | 1 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Champion RCCL | 220 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | H | Linda | Blackman | 10 |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 27 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | H | Sylvia | Bland | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 331 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Bud and Martie | Blankenship | 6 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 25 | SC Dark Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Bud and Martie | Blankenship | 2 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 17 | Blue Muscovy Duck | P | Stephen | Blash | 14 |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 9 | Brown Egyptian Goose | H | Stephen | Blash | 1 |
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers | 5/19/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 10 | Blue Muscovy Duck | P | Stephen | Blash | 9 |
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers | 5/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 10 | Brown African Goose | H | Stephen | Blash | 7 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Green Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 425 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Bloomers Birds | 11 | |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Green Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 81 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | H | Bloomers Birds | 6 | |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Green Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champin Continental | 32 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | K | Bloomers Birds | 2 | |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Show Champion | 425 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Bloomers Birds | 16 | |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 18 | Buff Toulouse Goose | C | Bloomers Birds | 12 | |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 32 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | H | Bloomers Birds | 10 | |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Continental | 32 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | K | Bloomers Birds | 5 | |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | Buff African Goose | K | Bloomers Birds | 2 | |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 101 | Dark Brahma Large Fowl | H | Bloomers Birds | 7 | |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 140 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Matt | Boensch | 4 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 140 | Buff Duck | K | Matt | Boensch | 7 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 52 | White Call Duck | C | Matt | Boensch | 2 |
New Brunswick Purebreed Poultry Association | 9/2/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Goose | 15 | Saddleback Pomeranian Goose | C | Brendon | Boles | 5 |
New Brunswick Purebreed Poultry Association | 9/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 15 | Saddleback Pomeranian Goose | H | Brendon | Boles | 2 |
Anderson Bantam Club Fall Show Blue Card | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion RCCL | 161 | Golden Sebright Bantam | K | Jerry and Mary | Bonds | 5 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion RCCL | 129 | Silver Sebright Bantam | H | Jerry and Mary | Bonds | 10 |
State Fair of Texas | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 121 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | K | Garrett | Boone | 6 |
Coombs Fair | 8/10/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Bantam | 111 | Light Brahma Bantam | H | Clayton | Botkin | 11 |
Coombs Fair | 8/10/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 52 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Clayton | Botkin | 11 |
Fraser Valley Poultry 2019 Lawn Show | 5/5/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 116 | Light Brahma Bantam | H | Clayton | Botkin | 11 |
Saanich Fair 2019 | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 3 | Brown China Goose | H | Clayton | Botkin | 7 |
Saanich Fair 2019 | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 3 | Brown China Goose | C | Clayton | Botkin | 3 |
Saanich Fair 2019 | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Landfowl | 76 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | P | Clayton | Botkin | 9 |
Saanich Fair 2019 | 8/31/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 152 | Gray Call Duck | H | Clayton | Botkin | 11 |
Saanich Fair 2019 | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 39 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Clayton | Botkin | 3 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 3 | Lavender Guinea | C | Gavin | Bouwman | 2 |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 1 | Lavender Guinea | C | Gavin | Bouwman | 2 |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 17 | White Call Duck | Gavin | Bouwman | 7 | |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 198 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | C | Gavin | Bouwman | 11 |
Georgian Classic | 6/15/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 239 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | C | Gavin | Bouwman | 7 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 13 | Pearl Guinea | C | Tim | Bowles | 5 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 25 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Tim | Bowles | 5 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 427 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Jack | Boyd | 11 |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 388 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Jack | Boyd | 13 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion RCCL | 110 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | P | Derek and Colton | Brady | 5 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 110 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | P | Derek and Colton | Brady | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Green Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 335 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | P | Derek and Colton | Brady | 7 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Green Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 90 | Gray Call Duck | H | Derek and Colton | Brady | 7 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 90 | Gray Call Duck | C | Derek and Colton | Brady | 14 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 102 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Derek and Colton | Brady | 5 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 102 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Derek and Colton | Brady | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 7 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | Derek and Colton | Brady | 1 | |
Colorado State Fair | 8/25/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 38 | Gray Call Duck | H | Derek and Colton | Brady | 9 |
Colorado State Fair | 8/25/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 38 | Gray Call Duck | C | Derek and Colton | Brady | 4 |
Colorado State Fair | 8/25/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 173 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | C | Derek and Colton | Brady | 11 |
Colorado State Fair | 8/25/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 135 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | C | Derek and Colton | Brady | 4 |
Denver County Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 19 | Gray Call Duck | H | Derek and Colton | Brady | 4 |
Mike the Headless Chicken | 6/1/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 12 | Gray Call Duck | K | Derek and Colton | Brady | 4 |
Mike the Headless Chicken | 6/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 12 | Gray Call Duck | H | Derek and Colton | Brady | 2 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 112 | Gray Call Duck | K | Derek and Colton | Brady | 4 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 56 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Derek and Colton | Brady | 5 |
Rocky Mountain Feather Fanciers Futurity | 10/19/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 403 | Gray Call Duck | C | Derek and Colton | Brady | 11 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 40 | NB Buff Laced Polish Large Fowl | H | Verna | Brashear | 5 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 40 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | K | Verna | Brashear | 2 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 82 | NB White Crested Black Polish Bantam | H | Jan | Brett | 2 |
Central Maine Bird Fanciers Fall Show | 10/6/2019 | State | Show Champion | 377 | NB White Crested Black Polish Bantam | H | Jan | Brett | 16 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 359 | NB White Crested Blue Polish Bantam | H | Jan | Brett | 11 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 123 | NB White Crested Polish Bantam | P | Jan | Brett | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 950 | NB White Crested Polish Bantam | P | Jan | Brett | 6 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 51 | NB White Crested Black Polish Bantam | H | Jan | Brett | 5 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 475 | WC Black Polish Bantam | K | Jan | Brett | 8 |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Champion AOCCL | 68 | WC Black Polish Bantam | H | Jan | Brett | 10 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion AOCCL | 463 | WC Black Polish Bantam | H | Jan | Brett | 25 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Champion AOCCL | 94 | WC Blue Polish Bantam | H | Jan | Brett | 15 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 40 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | K | Abby | Brewer | 2 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 391 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Terry | Britt | 6 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 251 | White Call Duck | K | Terry | Britt | 9 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion American | 32 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Terry | Britt | 5 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 63 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Terry | Britt | 2 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam | 276 | White Wyandotte Bantam | C | Terry | Britt | 11 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 48 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Terry | Britt | 5 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1149 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Terry | Britt | 11 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 19 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | Terry | Britt | 12 | |
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers | 5/19/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 77 | White Cochin Bantam | C | Sandra | Brougham | 5 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Champion American | 30 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Roger | Brouillette | 5 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 30 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Roger | Brouillette | 2 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 41 | Silver Phoenix Large Fowl | C | Roger | Brouillette | 2 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 20 | American Buff Goose | C | Roger | Brouillette | 3 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Champion English | 27 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | C | Roger | Brouillette | 5 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 27 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | H | Roger | Brouillette | 2 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 96 | Black Cochin Bantam | C | Roger | Brouillette | 5 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Trio | 27 | Non Bearded White Silkie Bantam | Roger | Brouillette | 5 | |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 911 | White Pekin Duck | K | Roger | Brouillette | 10 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl Trio | 12 | Silver Phoenix Large Fowl | Roger | Brouillette | 5 | |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 70 | WC Black Polish Bantam | H | Roger | Brouillette | 5 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 34 | WC Black Polish Large Fowl | C | Roger | Brouillette | 5 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 34 | WC Black Polish Large Fowl | H | Roger | Brouillette | 2 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 276 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Roger | Brouillette | 3 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 12 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | Roger | Brouillette | 12 | |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 20 | White Sebastopol Goose | H | Roger | Brouillette | 7 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 276 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | Roger | Brouillette | 7 |
Millarville Fair Poultry Show | 8/14/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 46 | Silver Sebright Bantam | H | Colin | Brown | 11 |
Central Louisiana Poultry Club | 3/16/2019 | State | Champion Asiatic | 35 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | P | Jim | Brownlee | 10 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 51 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | H | Jim | Brownlee | 2 |
Southwestern Exposition and Junior Livestock Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champoin Mediterranean | 27 | Ancona Large Fowl | H | Sam | Brush | 2 |
Southwestern Exposition and Junior Livestock Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 43 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | C | Sam | Brush | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 108 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Jack | Bryant | 5 |
Panhandle South Plains Fair | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 52 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Jack | Bryant | 2 |
South Plains Bantam Association Spring Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 402 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Jack | Bryant | 11 |
South Plains Bantam Association Spring Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 51 | Brown Red Old English Bantam | H | Jack | Bryant | 2 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion English | 40 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | H | Addison | Bryles | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 52 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Addison | Bryles | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 25 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | C | Addison | Bryles | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 27 | Penciled Runner Duck | K | Addison | Bryles | 9 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 200 | Black Cochin Bantam | C | Will | Bryles | 6 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 525 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Will | Bryles | 7 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 81 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | P | Will | Bryles | 2 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion AOSB | 30 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | Addison | Bryles | 7 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion RCCL | 73 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | Addison | Bryles | 7 |
South Central Classic Show 1 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 43 | White Muscovy Duck | H | Addison | Bryles | 7 |
South Central Classic Show 2 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 43 | White Muscovy Duck | H | Addison | Bryles | 7 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion English | 57 | White Cornish Large Fowl | H | BS Cornish | 5 | |
Red River Bantam Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 45 | White Cornish Large Fowl | H | BS Cornish | 6 | |
Southwestern Exposition and Junior Livestock Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 238 | White Cornish Large Fowl | K | BS Cornish | 6 | |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 141 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | C | Paul | Bucella | 6 |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Modern | 75 | Black Modern Bantam | P | Owen | Bullock | 7 |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Game | 136 | Black Old English Bantam | H | Owen | Bullock | 7 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 173 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | C | Steve | Bundy | 6 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 73 | Blue Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Burkhart Bantams | 2 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 62 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Burkhart Bantams | 2 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 490 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Burkhart Bantams | 9 | |
North Texas Poultry Showcase | 3/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 196 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Burkhart Bantams | 9 | |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 34 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Wyatt | Burnside | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 59 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Wyatt | Burnside | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 59 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Wyatt | Burnside | 5 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 32 | Welsummer Large Fowl | P | Wyatt | Burnside | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Continental | 41 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Wyatt | Burnside | 5 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 57 | Welsummer Large Fowl | P | Wyatt | Burnside | 5 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1038 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 11 | |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 108 | White Old English Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 2 | |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Modern | 60 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 2 | |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Champion Modern | 60 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 5 | |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 61 | Brown Red Old English Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 2 | |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 470 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 13 | |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Game | 101 | White Old English Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 5 | |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam | 1352 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 11 | |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Game | 70 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | P | C and C Poultry | 5 | |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association White Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 385 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | C and Z Bantams | 11 | |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 473 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | C and Z Bantams | 11 | |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Champion Game | 123 | Silver Duckwing Old English Bantam | C | C and Z Bantams | 10 | |
Utah State Fair Show #2 | 9/6/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 118 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | C and Z Bantams | 11 | |
Utah State Fair Show #2 | 9/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 62 | Silver Duckwing Old English Bantam | K | C and Z Bantams | 2 | |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 253 | BT White Jap Bantam | P | Mark | Camilleri | 11 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 53 | BT White Jap Bantam | P | Mark | Camilleri | 5 |
Sarnia Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assoc. | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 88 | BT White Jap Bantam | P | Mark | Camilleri | 6 |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 54 | White Cornish Large Fowl | H | Charles | Campbell | 6 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Turkey | 7 | Black Turkey | C | Anthony | Campbell | 1 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Champion Turkey | 7 | Narragansett Turkey | H | Anthony | Campbell | 2 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 7 | Black Turkey | H | Anthony | Campbell | 2 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 7 | Narragansett Turkey | C | Anthony | Campbell | 1 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1237 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Heather and Laura | Candea | 11 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion American | 84 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | Heather and Laura | Candea | 5 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 2217 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Heather and Laura | Candea | 14 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion American | 177 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | Heather and Laura | Candea | 5 |
Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 321 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | H | Heather and Laura | Candea | 6 |
Sussex County Poultry Fanciers Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 533 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | C | Heather and Laura | Candea | 11 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion American | 35 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Heather and Laura | Candea | 7 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 105 | White Cornish Bantam | C | Elwood | Canfield | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion American | 25 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Elwood | Canfield | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 105 | White Cornish Bantam | C | Elwood | Canfield | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 120 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Elwood | Canfield | 2 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Turkey | 12 | Black Turkey | H | Ryon | Carey | 13 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Champion Turkey | 12 | Bronze Turkey | H | Ryon | Carey | 27 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 90 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Carey Bantams | 6 | |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam | 294 | Silver Sebright Bantam | H | Carey Bantams | 11 | |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 116 | White Runner Duck | K | Patsy | Carlisle | 6 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 31 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | Ruth | Caron | 2 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 80 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Ruth | Caron | 9 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 76 | Mille Fluer d’Uccle Bantam | C | Ruth | Caron | 2 |
New Brunswick Purebreed Poultry Association | 9/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 11 | Lavender Guinea | P | James | Carson | 5 |
New Brunswick Purebreed Poultry Association | 9/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 11 | Lavender Guinea | P | James | Carson | 2 |
Valley Fanciers Spring Fowl Fest | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 5 | Lavender Guinea | C | James | Carson | 1 |
Valley Fanciers Spring Fowl Fest | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 5 | Pearl Guinea | C | James | Carson | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association White Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 385 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | Clint | Carter | 8 |
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club Blue Card | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 82 | Barnevelders Large Fowl | K | Anna | Casey | 6 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion English | 30 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Dan | Castle | 5 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 28 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | K | Dan | Castle | 5 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 28 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | P | Dan | Castle | 2 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion English | 56 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Dan | Castle | 5 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 72 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | YT | Dan | Castle | 12 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Show Champion | 2217 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | H | Dan | Castle | 16 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Large Fowl | 1595 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | P | Dan | Castle | 27 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Continental | 378 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | P | Dan | Castle | 25 |
New Brunswick Fall Show | 9/28/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 12 | American Buff Goose | C | Dave | Chamberlain | 5 |
New Brunswick Fall Show | 9/28/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 10 | Brown China Goose | C | Dave | Chamberlain | 5 |
New Brunswick Fall Show | 9/28/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Goose | 38 | Gray Saddleback Goose | C | Dave | Chamberlain | 11 |
New Brunswick Fall Show | 9/28/2019 | Provincial | Champion Heavy Goose | 16 | White Embden Goose | C | Dave | Chamberlain | 10 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 105 | Gray Jap Bantam | K | Tom | Chandler | 2 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion SCCL | 246 | Gray Jap Bantam | K | Tom | Chandler | 10 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 254 | Gray Jap Bantam | C | Tom | Chandler | 2 |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 668 | Gray Jap Bantam | C | Tom | Chandler | 9 |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 113 | Gray Jap Bantam | K | Tom | Chandler | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 192 | Gray Jap Bantam | C | Tom | Chandler | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 192 | Gray Jap Bantam | C | Tom | Chandler | 2 |
Rocky Mountain Feather Fanciers Futurity | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 60 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Curtis | Chatelain | 7 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Association Green Card | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 130 | Brown Red Old English Bantam | P | Curtis | Chatelain | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 473 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Curtis | Chatelain | 8 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 134 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | P | Curtis | Chatelain | 7 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 134 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Curtis | Chatelain | 6 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 134 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | P | Curtis | Chatelain | 11 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 473 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Curtis | Chatelain | 13 |
Utah State Fair Show #2 | 9/6/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 22 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Curtis | Chatelain | 2 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 13 | Narragansett Turkey | P | Chick N Stuff Farm | 6 | |
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club Blue Card | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 41 | Black Jersey Giant Large Fowl | Chick N Stuff Farm | 2 | ||
Anderson Bantam Club Fall Show Blue Card | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam | 325 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Bob and Claudia | Choate | 6 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Modern | 56 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Bob and Claudia | Choate | 5 |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 18 | Crele Old English Large Fowl | P | Bob and Claudia | Choate | 6 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 28 | Crele Old English Large Fowl | P | Bob and Claudia | Choate | 5 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 28 | BB Red Old English Large Fowl | K | Bob and Claudia | Choate | 2 |
Red River Bantam Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Modern | 73 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Bob and Claudia | Choate | 2 |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Show Champion | 786 | Black Shamo Large Fowl | P | Suzann | Chung | 21 |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion AOSB | 36 | Wheaten Shamo Large Fowl | K | Suzann | Chung | 7 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 30 | New Hampshire Large Fowl | C | Rick | Cobb | 2 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 65 | Gray Call Duck | H | Amy | Colbert | 3 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 86 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Greg | Collard | 2 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 587 | Gray Call Duck | H | Wade | Collins | 10 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 69 | BT White Jap Bantam | K | Sammy | Collins | 2 |
Ozark Empire Fair | 8/2/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 24 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Paige | Collins | 7 |
Ozark Empire Fair | 8/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 24 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | H | Paige | Collins | 3 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Champion Featherleg | 110 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | Wade | Collins | 10 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 110 | Buff Brahma Bantam | H | Wade | Collins | 5 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 52 | Gray Call Duck | C | Wade | Collins | 5 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Champion Bantam Duck | 52 | White Call Duck | K | Wade | Collins | 10 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 739 | White Faverolle Bantam | P | Leisha | Comer | 6 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 206 | White Faverolle Bantam | P | Leisha | Comer | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 94 | Salmon Faverolle Bantam | H | Leisha | Comer | 5 |
White River Poultry Club | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 26 | Ancona Large Fowl | H | Leisha | Comer | 5 |
White River Poultry Club | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 31 | New Hampshire Large Fowl | P | Troy | Comer | 2 |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Champion Mediterranean | 49 | White Leghorn Large Fowl | K | Jamie | Conlan | 15 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 25 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | K | Daniel | Cook | 5 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 224 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Coomer Farm | 11 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 1278 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | K | Coomer Farm | 16 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 62 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Coomer Farm | 5 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 28 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | K | Coomer Farm | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 25 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Coomer Farm | 5 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 25 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Coomer Farm | 5 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 25 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Coomer Farm | 2 | |
Marion County Fair | 6/22/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 47 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Coomer Farm | 7 | |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 2/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 1 | Lavender Guinea | C | Matt | Cooperrider | 2 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 427 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | P | Copper Ridge Farm | 9 | |
Florida State Fair | 2/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 84 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | K | Copper Ridge Farm | 2 | |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 113 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | K | Copper Ridge Farm | 2 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Trio | 21 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | YT | Copper Ridge Farm | 5 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 120 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Copper Ridge Farm | 2 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 105 | WC Black Polish Bantam | H | Copper Ridge Farm | 2 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 120 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Copper Ridge Farm | 5 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Trio | 21 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | YT | Copper Ridge Farm | 5 | |
Orange Blossom Special Blue Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 57 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Copper Ridge Farm | 5 | |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #1 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 193 | White Naked Neck Bantam | P | Julie | Couch | 11 |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #2 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 193 | Birchen Modern Large Fowl | K | Julie | Couch | 9 |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #2 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 193 | White Naked Neck Bantam | P | Julie | Couch | 11 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Bantam Duck | 405 | White Call Duck | K | Julie | Couch | 25 |
Oregon State Fair | 8/23/2019 | State | Show Champion | 227 | White Naked Neck Bantam | P | Julie | Couch | 16 |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion Large Fowl | 81 | Birchen Modern Large Fowl | K | Julie | Couch | 12 |
Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 52 | White Naked Neck Bantam | P | Julie | Couch | 2 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion Heavy Duck | 55 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Dana | Cowart | 10 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion American | 74 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Dana | Cowart | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 43 | Brown African Goose | H | Dodge | Cowart | 6 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Duck | 98 | Gray Call Duck | H | Dodge | Cowart | 11 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion Large Fowl | 248 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | K | Dodge | Cowart | 12 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Continental | 44 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | K | Dodge | Cowart | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Trio | 10 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | Dodge | Cowart | 5 | |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion RCCL | 101 | RC Light Brown Leghorn Bantam | P | Dodge | Cowart | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion SCCL | 118 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Bantam | K | Dodge | Cowart | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion RCCL | 101 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | Dodge | Cowart | 10 |
Backwoods Benefit Poultry Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 58 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Dana | Cowart | 7 |
Backwoods Benefit Poultry Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 18 | Brown African Goose | C | Dodge | Cowart | 7 |
Backwoods Benefit Poultry Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 18 | Brown African Goose | H | Dodge | Cowart | 3 |
Backwoods Benefit Poultry Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 49 | White Call Duck | C | Dodge | Cowart | 9 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 26 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Dana | Cowart | 2 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 18 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | Dana | Cowart | 12 | |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 15 | Brown African Goose | H | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 18 | Light Brown Leghorn Bantam | Dodge | Cowart | 1 | |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 32 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | H | Dodge | Cowart | 5 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 32 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | K | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 2 | Brown African Goose | P | Dodge | Cowart | 1 |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 2 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 2 | Brown African Goose | P | Dodge | Cowart | 1 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Continental | 30 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | K | Dodge | Cowart | 12 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Reserve Show Champion | 812 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Dana | Cowart | 19 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 47 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | P | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
South Central Classic Show 1 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 43 | Gray Call Duck | P | Dana | Cowart | 9 |
South Central Classic Show 1 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 9 | Brown African Goose | P | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
South Central Classic Show 1 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 9 | Brown African Goose | H | Dodge | Cowart | 1 |
South Central Classic Show 2 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 43 | Gray Call Duck | P | Dana | Cowart | 9 |
South Central Classic Show 2 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 9 | Brown African Goose | P | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
South Central Classic Show 2 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 70 | WC Black Polish Large Fowl | P | Dodge | Cowart | 6 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Black Muscovy Duck | K | Dana | Cowart | 4 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 4 | Brown African Goose | H | Dodge | Cowart | 1 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 25 | WC Black Polish Large Fowl | P | Dodge | Cowart | 5 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 25 | WC Black Polish Large Fowl | K | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Black Muscovy Duck | K | Dana | Cowart | 4 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 4 | Brown African Goose | H | Dodge | Cowart | 1 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Champion SCCL | 53 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Bantam | P | Dodge | Cowart | 10 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 25 | WC Black Polish Large Fowl | K | Dodge | Cowart | 10 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Continental | 25 | WC Black Polish Large Fowl | P | Dodge | Cowart | 5 |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 10 | Brown African Goose | H | Dodge | Cowart | 5 |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 10 | Brown African Goose | C | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 11 | Gray Call Duck | H | Dodge | Cowart | 1 |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Dodge | Cowart | 1 |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Champion Duck | 11 | White Call Duck | C | Dodge | Cowart | 2 |
Cape Fear Poultry Assocation | 2/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 131 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Nicole | Cox | 2 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 228 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | Nicole | Cox | 5 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Faetherleg | 100 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Nicole | Cox | 2 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 11/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 102 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | Nicole | Cox | 2 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 520 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Nicole | Cox | 11 |
Just Peachy Classic Green Card | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion SCCL | 76 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | K | Nicole | Cox | 7 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 76 | White Leghorn Bantam | P | Nicole | Cox | 5 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 228 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | Nicole | Cox | 5 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 493 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | C-R Ducks | 28 | |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Grand Champion Trio | 12 | Black Old English Bantam | C-R Ducks | 2 | ||
Canadian Heritage Breeds Stony Plain Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 110 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | C-R Ducks | 6 | |
Cluck and Quack Poultry Show 2019 | 11/30/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Bantam | 101 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | C-R Ducks | 11 | |
Cluck and Quack Poultry Show 2019 | 11/30/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 164 | Black Old English Bantam | P | C-R Ducks | 13 | |
North Central Alberta Poultry Association | 2/16/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 85 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | C-R Ducks | 11 | |
North Central Alberta Poultry Association | 2/16/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 20 | SC Silver Leghorn Large Fowl | K | C-R Ducks | 2 | |
Peavy Mart Alberta Provincial Poultry and Pigeon | 1/19/2019 | Provincial | Show Champion | 242 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | C-R Ducks | 16 | |
Vermillion Poultry Show | 7/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 100 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | C-R Ducks | 9 | |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Champion Light Goose | 10 | Tufted Roman Goose | C | Suzin | Crosby | 25 |
Coombs Fair | 8/10/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Goose | 10 | Saddleback Pomeranian Goose | C | Suzin | Crosby | 11 |
Coombs Fair | 8/10/2019 | Provincial | Champion Goose | 10 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Suzin | Crosby | 12 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Suzin | Crosby | 1 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Duck | 26 | Gray Rouen Duck | C | Lewis | Cunningham | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 26 | Gray Rouen Duck | C | Lewis | Cunningham | 2 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Goose | 9 | Brown China Goose | C | Michael | Cunningham | 1 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 79 | Black Cayuga Duck | P | Mark | Cunningham | 6 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 20 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | Mark | Cunningham | 12 | |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 79 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | K | Michael | Cunningham | 2 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 98 | White Pekin Duck | H | Michael | Cunningham | 9 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 28 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | K | Michael | Cunningham | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 128 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Mark | Cunningham | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 27 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | K | Michael | Cunningham | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 50 | Brown China Goose | C | Michael | Cunningham | 8 |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Champion Modern | 75 | Birchen Modern Bantam | H | Dart Browning Poultry | 15 | |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion American | 54 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Dart Browning Poultry | 7 | |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Show Champion | 487 | Columbian Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Dart Browning Poultry | 16 | |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Grand Champion Trio | 9 | Columbian Plymouth Rock Bantam | Dart Browning Poultry | 2 | ||
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 463 | Black Ameraucana Bantam | P | Temple | DaSilva | 12 |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Continental | 25 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | P | Howard | Davenport | 5 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Champion Featherleg | 67 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | Billye | Davis | 10 |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Champion Featherleg | 56 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | K | Billye | Davis | 10 |
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers | 5/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 77 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | K | Billye | Davis | 2 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 868 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | P | Billye | Davis | 12 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 52 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | P | Andrew | de Haan | 2 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 421 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Andrew | de Haan | 10 |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 91 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Andrew | De Haan | 6 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 345 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Andrew | de Haan | 10 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 66 | White Wyandotte Bantam | C | Andrew | de Haan | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 101 | Silver Phoenix Large Fowl | C | Michael | Dean | 6 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 46 | Silver Phoenix Large Fowl | H | Michael | Dean | 2 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Show Champion | 583 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | Benny | Dean | 16 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 86 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | H | Benny | Dean | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 131 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | Benny | Dean | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 86 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | H | Benny | Dean | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1215 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | Benny | Dean | 8 |
Whiteside County Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 154 | White Bearded Silkie Bantam | K | Lindsay | Deaver | 6 |
Friendship Poultry Club Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 430 | Wheaten Ko Shamo Bantam | H | Brian | Decker | 9 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 251 | Crele Old English Bantam | C | Brian | Decker | 3 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 87 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Bantam | P | Richard | Deihs | 5 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Reserve Champion Bantam | 302 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Dudley | Deleenheer | 26 |
Cowichan Community 4-H Club | 4/27/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 239 | Golden Duckwing Old English Bantam | C | Dudley | Deleenheer | 11 |
Cowichan Community 4-H Club | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 120 | White Chantecler Bantam | C | Dudley | Deleenheer | 6 |
Vernon Winter Carnival Show | 2/3/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 137 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Dudley | DeLeenheer | 8 |
Vernon Winter Carnival Show | 2/3/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 75 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Dudley | DeLeenheer | 3 |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 124 | Gray Runner Duck | Pete | Dempsey | 2 | |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1123 | White China Goose | Pete | Dempsey | 9 | |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 124 | White Runner Duck | Pete | Dempsey | 5 | |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 71 | Black and White Magpie Duck | K | Cheri | Dempsey | 2 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 57 | Blue Swedish Duck | K | Pete | Dempsey | 2 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 36 | Brown African Goose | C | Pete | Dempsey | 7 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 13 | Brown China Goose | C | Pete | Dempsey | 5 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 13 | Brown China Goose | H | Pete | Dempsey | 2 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 57 | White Pekin Duck | P | Pete | Dempsey | 2 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 326 | White Runner Duck | K | Pete | Dempsey | 6 |
Lawrence County Poultry Club Show | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 10 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | P | Sondra | Dengler | 3 |
Lawrence County Poultry Club Show White Tag | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 10 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | P | Sondra | Dengler | 3 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 79 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | P | Sondra | Dengler | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 446 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | P | Karen | Derrick | 9 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 417 | Bearded Buff Laced Polish Bantam | H | Jerry | DeSmidt | 6 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 28 | Welsummer Large Fowl | P | Jerry | DeSmidt | 2 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 81 | White Ameraucana Bantam | P | Jerry | DeSmidt | 2 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 79 | White Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Jerry | DeSmidt | 5 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 88 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Jerry | DeSmidt | 5 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 39 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | K | Jerry | DeSmidt | 5 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 14 | White Ameraucana Bantam | YT | Jerry | DeSmidt | 1 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion AOSB | 43 | White Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | Jerry | DeSmidt | 7 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion AOSB | 276 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Jerry | DeSmidt | 25 |
Wisconsin State Fair | 8/1/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 34 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Jerry | DeSmidt | 5 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 70 | Black East Indie Duck | P | Annette | Dillon | 4 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1141 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | Annette | Dillon | 11 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 102 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | P | Dale | Dionne | 5 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 162 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | P | Dale | Dionne | 2 |
Illinois State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 949 | White China Goose | C | Chris | Dixon | 10 |
Illinois State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 10 | White China Goose | H | Chris | Dixon | 3 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 79 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | h | Steve and Rob | Dixon | 5 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 108 | Partridge Wyandotte Bantam | K | Steve and Rob | Dixon | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 28 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Steve and Rob | Dixon | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 151 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | H | Steve and Rob | Dixon | 6 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 533 | Partridge Wyandotte Bantam | H | Steve and Rob | Dixon | 6 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 740 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Steve and Rob | Dixon | 9 |
Whiteside County Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 93 | White China Goose | H | Chris | Dixon | 8 |
Whiteside County Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 28 | White China Goose | C | Chris | Dixon | 3 |
Clinton Spring Fair | 6/1/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 4 | Bronze Turkey | C | Dave | Dodds | 2 |
Clinton Spring Fair | 6/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 59 | Gray Call Duck | C | Dave | Dodds | 4 |
Clinton Spring Fair | 6/1/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 59 | White Call Duck | C | Dave | Dodds | 9 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 156 | White Cochin Bantam | P | Dog River Bantams | 2 | |
Central Maine Bird Fanciers Fall Show | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 377 | White Cochin Bantam | P | Dog River Bantams | 13 | |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 76 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Dog River Bantams | 5 | |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 93 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Dog River Bantams | 5 | |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1065 | White Cochin Bantam | P | Dog River Bantams | 11 | |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 727 | White Cochin Bantam | P | Dog River Bantams | 6 | |
New England Bantam Spring Show | 5/5/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 71 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Dog River Bantams | 5 | |
New England Bantam Spring Show | 5/5/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 136 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Dog River Bantams | 5 | |
New England Bantam Spring Show | 5/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 430 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Dog River Bantams | 8 | |
Northern NY Poultry Fanciers | 9/15/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 401 | White Cochin Bantam | P | Dog River Bantams | 11 | |
Clark County Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 229 | White Call Duck | K | Mark and Jen | Dooms | 10 |
Cowlitz County Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 35 | White Crested Duck | C | Michael | Dooms | 9 |
Southwest Washington Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 30 | Black Cayuga Duck | C | Michael | Dooms | 7 |
Southwest Washington Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 30 | White Call Duck | C | Michael | Dooms | 9 |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 73 | Light Brown Leghorn Bantam | K | Mark and Jen | Dooms | 5 |
Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk | 11/2/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 2 | White Call Duck | YT | Mark and Jen | Dooms | 2 |
Permian Basin Fair and Expo | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 13 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Lauren | Dossey | 7 |
State Fair of Texas | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 38 | Wheaten Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Lauren | Dossey | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 697 | Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Robert | Downing | 6 |
Green River Poultry Club Fall Show | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 345 | Wheaten Old English Bantam | P | Robert | Downing | 8 |
Green River Poultry Club Fall Show | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 85 | Wheaten Old English Bantam | P | Robert | Downing | 2 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 179 | BB Red Old English Bantam | C | Robert | Downing | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 72 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Dustin | Drake | 2 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 358 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | K | Dustin | Drake | 3 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 449 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | David and Gwen | Driggers | 7 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion American | 371 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | David and Gwen | Driggers | 25 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 449 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | David and Gwen | Driggers | 7 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Modern | 84 | BB Red Modern Bantam | P | Jeff and Jessica | Duguay | 7 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Champion Modern | 84 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Jeff and Jessica | Duguay | 15 |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Modern | 124 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Jeff | Duguay | 1 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Modern | 82 | Birchen Modern Bantam | H | Jeff and Jessica | Duguay | 5 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Champion Modern | 53 | BB Red Modern Bantam | P | Jeff and Jessica | Duguay | 5 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Modern | 53 | Birchen Modern Bantam | K | Jeff and Jessica | Duguay | 2 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Modern | 53 | Splash Modern Bantam | P | Jeff and Jessica | Duguay | 5 |
Dixie Classic Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 89 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | P | Dunlap Farm | 6 | |
Central Louisiana Poultry Club | 3/16/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 5 | Gray Call Duck | P | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 6 |
Central Louisiana Poultry Club | 3/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 5 | Gray Call Duck | K | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 3 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 18 | White Call Duck | K | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 18 | White Call Duck | K | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 14 | White Call Duck | K | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 2 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 14 | White Call Duck | K | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 3 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 14 | White Call Duck | K | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 4 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 14 | White Call Duck | K | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 2 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 76 | Bearded Partridge Silkie Bantam | P | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 740 | Bearded Gray Silkie Bantam | P | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 11 |
Panhandle South Plains Fair | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 275 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | P | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 6 |
Permian Basin Fair and Expo | 8/31/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 182 | White Silkie Bantam | P | Patricia Ann | Dunlap-Vento | 11 |
Central Louisiana Poultry Club | 3/16/2019 | State | Champion Game | 100 | Black Old English Bantam | C | Bobby | Durr | 10 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 107 | Black Old English Bantam | C | Bobby | Durr | 2 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 181 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | K | Larry | Dye | 6 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 38 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | H | Larry | Dye | 2 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 20 | White Embden Goose | C | Larry | Dye | 3 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 34 | White Embden Goose | C | Larry | Dye | 2 |
Green River Poultry Club Spring Show | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 43 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | C | Ken and Denise | Dzurenka | 7 |
Cowlitz County Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 115 | Black American Game Bantam | K | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 11 |
Cowlitz County Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 35 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 4 |
Cowlitz County Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 6 | Egyptian Goose | C | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 2 |
Cowlitz County Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | White Embden Goose | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 1 | |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 26 | Blue Muscovy Duck | H | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 4 |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 12 | Brown Egyptian Goose | C | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 6 |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 12 | White Embden Goose | C | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 7 |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 61 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | C | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 7 |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 23 | Brown China Goose | H | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 6 |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 154 | Brown Egyptian Goose | C | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 13 |
Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 97 | Brown Egyptian Goose | C | Jason and Heidi | Earl | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 23 | White Sebastopol Goose | H | Eastwinds Sebastopols | 2 | |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 10 | White Sebastopol Goose | C | Eastwinds Sebastopols | 11 | |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 25 | RC Light Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Laura | Elwood | 7 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 4 | Bronze Turkey | H | Summer | England | 2 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 4 | Bronze Turkey | P | Summer | England | 1 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 3 | White Sebastopol Goose | P | Summer | England | 2 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 3 | White Sebastopol Goose | P | Summer | England | 1 |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Champion Turkey | 4 | Blue Slate Turkey | K | Summer | England | 2 |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 3 | White Sebastopol Goose | P | Summer | England | 2 |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 3 | White Sebastopol Goose | P | Summer | England | 1 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Champion Heavy Duck | 96 | Rouen Duck | H | Dean | Ennis | 10 |
York County Poultry Fanciers Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 651 | Rouen Duck | H | Dean | Ennis | 10 |
York County Poultry Fanciers Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion American | 32 | New Hampshire Large Fowl | K | Norman | Ennis | 5 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 23 | Brown China Goose | C | Chris | Ervay | 12 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Light Goose | 11 | Brown China Goose | C | Chris | Ervay | 2 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 44 | Brown China Goose | C | Chris | Ervay | 12 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 50 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Kade | Esplin | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 14 | White Call Duck | C | Kade | Esplin | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Reserve Champion SCCL | 50 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Kade | Esplin | 5 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 14 | White Call Duck | C | Kade | Esplin | 2 |
Amarillo Bantam Club Fair Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 10 | Snowy Call Duck | P | Nathan and Daniel | Estlack | 4 |
Amarillo Bantam Club Fair Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 52 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | Scarlet | Estlack | 5 | |
Amarillo Bantam Club Fair Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 52 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | Scarlet | Estlack | 2 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 2 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 101 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Nathan and Daniel | Estlack | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 25 | Black Cochin Bantam | YT | Nathan and Daniel | Estlack | 11 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 154 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | H | Scarlet | Estlack | 2 |
South Plains Bantam Association Spring Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 328 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | H | Scarlet | Estlack | 6 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 88 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | C | Charles | Everett | 2 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 88 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | C | Charles | Everett | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 30 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | H | Cassandra | Everly | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 30 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | H | Cassandra | Everly | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 11 | Brown China Goose | H | Cassandra | Everly | 2 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 56 | Wheaten Marans Large Fowl | C | Cassandra | Everly | 5 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 33 | White Tufted Roman Goose | H | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 12 | |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 32 | White Tufted Roman Goose | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | ||
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 306 | Aylesbury Duck | H | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 7 | |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 39 | Black Cayuga Duck | H | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 70 | Brown African Goose | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 3 | |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 22 | Brown China Goose | H | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 5 | |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 60 | Cumberland Blue Runner Duck | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 20 | Gray Saddle Back Pomeranian Goose | H | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 54 | White Pekin Duck | P | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 22 | Tufted Roman Goose | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 60 | White Runner Duck | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 5 | |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 62 | Gray Runner Duck | P | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 70 | Blue and White Magpie Duck | K | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 7 | |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion Waterfowl | 485 | Buff African Goose | H | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 19 | |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion Light Goose | 47 | White Tufted Roman Goose | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 15 | |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Waterfowl | 1201 | Brown African Goose | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 29 | |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 48 | Brown African Goose | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 7 | |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 11 | Brown African Goose | H | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Goose | 14 | Gray Pomerian Goose | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 5 | |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 29 | Gray Runner Duck | K | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 5 | |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 32 | White Pekin Duck | K | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 2 | |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 25 | Brown African Goose | C | Ewert’s Country Waterfowl | 7 | |
Kentucky State Fair | 8/15/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 82 | Black American Game Bantam | H | Byron | Fairchild | 2 |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 331 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Annaka | Fall | 8 |
Just Peachy Classic Green Card | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 35 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett Neff | Farm | 17 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 35 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett Neff | Farm | 9 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 57 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | Fred | Farthing | 2 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 12/14/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 174 | New Hampshire Bantam | K | Danny | Feathers | 11 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Show Champion | 501 | SC Black Minorca Large Fowl | H | Danny | Feathers | 29 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Champion AOSB | 64 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | James | Fegan | 10 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Reserve Champion American | 34 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | C | James | Fegan | 5 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 160 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | K | James | Fegan | 6 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 13 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | James | Fegan | 1 | |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 160 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | P | James | Fegan | 6 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 60 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | P | James | Fegan | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 13 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | James | Fegan | 2 | |
Upper Peninsula Michigan State Fair | 8/15/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 26 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | James | Fegan | 5 |
Upper Peninsula Michigan State Fair | 8/15/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 26 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | James | Fegan | 2 |
Upper Peninsula Michigan State Fair | 8/15/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 91 | White Chantecler Large Fowl | C | James | Fegan | 11 |
Upper Peninsula Michigan State Fair | 8/15/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 91 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | H | Jennifer | Fegan | 8 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 47 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | James | Fegan | 5 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 19 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | Jennifer | Fegan | 6 | |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 76 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Daniel | Fenner | 2 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 189 | White Call Duck | H | Daniel | Fenner | 6 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 60 | White Embden Goose | C | Daniel | Fenner | 6 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 92 | White Embden Goose | C | Daniel | Fenner | 7 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 62 | Black and White magpie Duck | K | Daniel | Fenner | 5 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 123 | White Embden Goose | C | Daniel | Fenner | 12 |
Rochester Poultry Association | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 36 | Gray Saddle Back Pomeranian Goose | H | Jackie | Ferguson | 6 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 45 | Gray Saddle Back Pomeranian Goose | H | Jackie | Ferguson | 7 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 25 | Brown China Goose | C | Kelsey | Ferguson-Gadd | 7 |
Lorain County Fair | 8/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 116 | White Call Duck | P | Amy | Fessenden | 8 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 244 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Frederick | Fick | 2 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 224 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Craig | Fields | 11 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 11/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 124 | Golden Sebright Bantam | H | Craig | Fields | 2 |
Friendship Poultry Club Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 50 | Golden Sebright Bantam | K | Craig | Fields | 2 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 71 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Craig | Fields | 2 |
New Mexico State Fair | 9/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 35 | Bearded Golden Laced Polish Large Fowl | K | Dexter | Fields | 6 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 2194 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Craig | Fields | 11 |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 26 | BB Red Phoenix Large Fowl | H | Fine Feathered Friends Aviaries | 5 | |
Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | State | Champion Turkey | 10 | Narragansett Turkey | H | Fine Feathered Friends Aviaries | 12 | |
Southwestern Exposition and Junior Livestock Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 945 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Brandon | Finney | 9 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 11/30/2019 | Club | Champion Duck | 4 | White Call Duck | K | Jacob | Fipps | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 123 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Joe | Fitch | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 123 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Joe | Fitch | 2 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 98 | Dark Cornish Bantam | P | Joe | Fitch | 2 |
Southwestern Exposition and Junior Livestock Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Bronze Turkey | C | Monty | Fitzgerald | 1 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion American | 37 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | H | Lloyd | Flanagan | 5 |
Red River Bantam Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 588 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | Lloyd | Flanagan | 8 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association Blue Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Brittany | Flick | 2 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association White Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Brittany | Flick | 2 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 123 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Brittany | Flick | 2 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 44 | White Sebastopol Goose | H | Brittany | Flick | 6 |
Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair | 7/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 40 | Blue Jersey Giant Large Fowl | K | Brittany | Flick | 3 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 10 | White Sebastopol Goose | H | Brittany | Flick | 2 |
Green River Poultry Club Fall Show | 9/7/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Brown China Goose | C | Jodi | Forhan | 4 |
Green River Poultry Club Fall Show | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 3 | Brown China Goose | H | Jodi | Forhan | 1 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 11 | Brown China Goose | C | Jodi | Forhan | 6 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 50 | White Runner Duck | C | Jodi | Forhan | 9 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 50 | White Runner Duck | C | Jodi | Forhan | 9 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 12 | Brown China Goose | C | Jodi | Forhan | 2 |
Red Hill Bantam Club | 11/30/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 2 | Brown China Goose | Jodi | Forhan | 2 | |
Red Hill Bantam Club | 11/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 2 | Brown China Goose | Jodi | Forhan | 1 | |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Snowy Call Duck | C | Francis | Foster | 4 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 101 | Black Ameraucana Bantam | P | Frances | Foster | 5 |
Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Provincial | Champion Large Fowl | 30 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | C | Michael | Franklin | 12 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 34 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | P | Colton | Friedel | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 11 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Colton | Friedel | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 32 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | H | Colton | Friedel | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 32 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | H | Colton | Friedel | 5 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 12 | Brown China Goose | C | Colton | Friedel | 2 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 4 | Buckeye Large Fowl | Colton | Friedel | 1 | |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 36 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | H | Jodi | Frye | 5 |
Just Peachy Classic Green Card | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 101 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Jodi | Frye | 16 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 801 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Jodi | Frye | 11 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 15 | American Buff Goose | H | Amy | Gabbard | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 32 | Brown China Goose | C | Amy | Gabbard | 6 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Goose | 23 | Buff American Goose | C | Amy | Gabbard | 5 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 32 | Buff American Goose | H | Amy | Gabbard | 7 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 15 | Buff American Goose | H | Amy | Gabbard | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 15 | Buff American Goose | K | Amy | Gabbard | 2 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 7 | American Buff Goose | H | Amy | Gabbard | 1 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 28 | Red Pyle Modern Large Fowl | P | Lucas | Gabbard | 5 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 206 | Buff Brahma Bantam | K | Blake | Gates | 2 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 55 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Jasmine | Gates | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 39 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Brian | Gates | 6 |
Uniontown Poultry Association | 4/14/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 56 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | H | Curtis | Geary | 5 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 439 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Ronald | Gilberston | 8 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 155 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Ronald | Gilberston | 6 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 44 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | P | Ronald | Gilberston | 2 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 28 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | YT | Ronald | Gilberston | 1 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 109 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Ronald | Gilberston | 5 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 59 | Silver Duckwing Old English Bantam | P | Ronald | Gilberston | 2 |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #1 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 12 | White Sebastopol Goose | P | Shirley | Gilbert | 3 |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #2 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 12 | White Sebastopol Goose | P | Shirley | Gilbert | 3 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 130 | White Ameraucana Bantam | K | Michael | Gilbert | 5 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 56 | BB Red Old English Bantam | P | Ronald | Gilbertson | 2 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 56 | Black Old English Bantam | H | Ronald | Gilbertson | 5 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 53 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | P | Ronald | Gilbertson | 5 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 53 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Ronald | Gilbertson | 2 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 824 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | P | Ronald | Gilbertson | 9 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 100 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Ronald | Gilbertson | 5 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 37 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | K | Ronald | Gilbertson | 5 |
Whiteside County Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Champion Bantam | 154 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | P | Emma | Gillette | 7 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 98 | White Call Duck | C | Tim | Gladhill | 4 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 98 | White Call Duck | C | Tim | Gladhill | 9 |
Uniontown Poultry Association | 4/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 23 | Pastel Call Duck | C | Tim | Gladhill | 4 |
Uniontown Poultry Association | 4/14/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 23 | White Call Duck | C | Tim | Gladhill | 9 |
Uniontown Poultry Association Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 65 | Pastel Call Duck | P | Tim | Gladhill | 9 |
Uniontown Poultry Association Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 65 | White Call Duck | P | Tim | Gladhill | 4 |
White River Poultry Club | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 123 | White Call Duck | C | Tim | Gladhill | 9 |
York County Poultry Fanciers Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Bantam Duck | 55 | White Call Duck | C | Tim | Gladhill | 5 |
Santa Cruz County Fair | 9/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 48 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Peggy | Gnehm | 3 |
Santa Cruz County Fair | 9/11/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 48 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Peggy | Gnehm | 7 |
Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 40 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Frank | Goodfellow | 13 |
Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Duck | 31 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Frank | Goodfellow | 6 |
Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Guinea | 7 | White Guinea | H | Frank | Goodfellow | 1 |
Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Provincial | Show Champion | 185 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Frank | Goodfellow | 16 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Champion Guinea | 16 | Pearl Guinea | C | Frank | Goodfellow | 15 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Guinea | 16 | Pearl Guinea | Frank | Goodfellow | 7 | |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 52 | Welsh Harlequin Duck | K | Gary | Gray | 2 |
New Brunswick Fall Show | 9/28/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 89 | Gray Rouen Duck | K | Andrew | Greene | 12 |
New Brunswick Fall Show | 9/28/2019 | Provincial | Champion Large Fowl | 36 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Andrew | Greene | 12 |
Nova Scotia Purebred Poultry Association Fall Classic | 10/19/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 200 | Gray Rouen Duck | K | Andrew | Greene | 13 |
Nova Scotia Purebred Poultry Association Fall Classic | 10/19/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion SCCL | 52 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Andrew | Greene | 5 |
Nova Scotia Purebred Poultry Association Fall Classic | 10/19/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 109 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Andrew | Greene | 6 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion American | 26 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | Bob | Greening | 7 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion American | 27 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | Lacy | Greer | 5 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 27 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Lacy | Greer | 2 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 123 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | Lacy | Greer | 2 |
Apache County Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 89 | Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Lacy | Greer | 6 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Champion SCCL | 50 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | K | Lacy | Greer | 10 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 23 | Brown China Goose | K | Greer Show Poultry | 6 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 20 | Buff Duck | P | Greer Show Poultry | 5 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 30 | Khaki Campbell Duck | K | Greer Show Poultry | 5 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 20 | Buff Duck | K | Greer Show Poultry | 2 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 30 | Khaki Campbell Duck | K | Greer Show Poultry | 5 | |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 16 | Brown China Goose | C | Greer Show Poultry | 7 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 11 | Brown China Goose | C | Greer Show Poultry | 5 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 26 | Blue Muscovy Duck | C | Greer Show Poultry | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 39 | Brown China Goose | K | Greer Show Poultry | 7 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 11 | White China Goose | H | Greer Show Poultry | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Duck | 26 | Blue Muscovy Duck | C | Greer Show Poultry | 5 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 39 | Brown China Goose | K | Greer Show Poultry | 6 | |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 428 | Brown China Goose | C | Greer Show Poultry | 8 | |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 73 | Gray Mallard Duck | H | Greer Show Poultry | 2 | |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 104 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Greer Show Poultry | 5 | |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 104 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Greer Show Poultry | 2 | |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 12 | Brown China Goose | C | Greer Show Poultry | 5 | |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 12 | Brown China Goose | C | Greer Show Poultry | 5 | |
White River Poultry Club | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 35 | Brown China Goose | C | Greer Show Poultry | 7 | |
White River Poultry Club | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 26 | Light Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Greer Show Poultry | 2 | |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Green Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 7 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Jennifer | Grimsley | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion Turkey | 7 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Jennifer | Grimsley | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Turkey | 7 | Slate Turkey | C | Jennifer | Grimsley | 1 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 5 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Jennifer | Grimsley | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 5 | Bourbon Red Turkey | H | Jennifer | Grimsley | 1 |
Denver County Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 5 | Blue Slate Turkey | C | Jennifer | Grimsley | 1 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 12 | Bourbon Red Turkey | K | Jennifer | Grimsley | 2 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 233 | Black Old English Bantam | P | William | Grooms | 2 |
Florida State Fair | 2/7/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 565 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | William | Grooms | 11 |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion American | 27 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | William | Grooms | 5 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 298 | Black Old English Bantam | H | William | Grooms | 2 |
Orange Blossom Special White Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 222 | Black Old English Bantam | K | William | Grooms | 6 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 7 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 7 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 1 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 11 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 11 | Pearl Guinea | K | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 8 | Slate Turkey | C | Sammy | Guy | 1 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 16 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 16 | Pearl Guinea | H | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 11 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 11 | Pearl Guinea | K | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | K | Sammy | Guy | 5 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 5 | Slate Turkey | C | Sammy | Guy | 1 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 15 | Lavender Guinea | K | Sammy | Guy | 5 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 5 | Slate Turkey | C | Sammy | Guy | 1 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 5 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | H | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 5 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | H | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Guinea | 45 | Lavender Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 25 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | H | Sammy | Guy | 1 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | C | Sammy | Guy | 2 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | H | Sammy | Guy | 1 |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 25 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | C | Trenten | Haas | 5 |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 513 | White Cornish Large Fowl | H | Trenten | Haas | 11 |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 25 | White Cornish Large Fowl | C | Trenten | Haas | 2 |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 6 | White Sebastopol Goose | C | Trenten | Haas | 2 |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | White Sebastopol Goose | H | Trenten | Haas | 1 |
Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 27 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | H | Trenten | Haas | 5 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 23 | White China Goose | C | Cody | Haefs | 2 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 29 | White Runner Duck | H | Cody | Haefs | 2 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 48 | White Tufted Roman Goose | C | Cody | Haefs | 6 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 47 | Red Pyle Old English Large Fowl | P | Nathan | Halbach | 2 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 165 | Blue Orpington Bantam | C | Joe | Hampton | 5 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 302 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | C | Joe | Hampton | 7 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 13 | Colored Egyptian Goose | H | Joe | Hampton | 3 |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 86 | Dark Aseel Large Fowl | H | Joe | Hampton | 5 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 152 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Wilbur | Hanley | 7 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Show Champion | 1278 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Wilbur | Hanley | 16 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 52 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Wilbur | Hanley | 2 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 883 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Wilbur | Hanley | 6 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association Blue Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 50 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Wilbur | Hanley | 9 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association Blue Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 50 | Mallard Duck | P | Wilbur | Hanley | 4 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association White Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 50 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Wilbur | Hanley | 9 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association White Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 576 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Wilbur | Hanley | 11 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association White Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 50 | Mallard Duck | P | Wilbur | Hanley | 4 |
Cape Fear Poultry Association White Card Show | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 74 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | K | Wilbur | Hanley | 2 |
Friendship Poultry Club Fall Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 388 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Wilbur | Hanley | 6 |
Friendship Poultry Club Fall Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 15 | Black East Indie Duck | P | Wilbur | Hanley | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 283 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Craig | Hansen | 2 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 586 | White Bearded Silkie Bantam | H | Robert | Hardina | 14 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 53 | White Marans Large Fowl | P | Shane | Hardy | 2 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Medium Duck | 108 | Black Cayuga Duck | C | Rick | Hare | 25 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion RCCL | 704 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | Rick | Hare | 12 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Duck | 897 | White Pekin Duck | P | Rick | Hare | 27 |
Rochester Poultry Association | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam | 363 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | Rick | Hare | 2 |
Rochester Poultry Association | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 173 | White Pekin Duck | H | Rick | Hare | 13 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 181 | SC Black Minorca Large Fowl | P | Harp/Tinsley Poultry | 6 | |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 20 | American Game Bantam | OT | Frankie | Harper | 6 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 25 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Frankie | Harper | 5 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 130 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Frankie | Harper | 16 |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 101 | Black Langshan Bantam | P | Phillip | Harriman | 2 |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 119 | White Old English Bantam | P | Phillip | Harriman | 2 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 1008 | Black Langshan Bantam | K | Phillip | Harriman | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 103 | Black Langshan Bantam | H | Phillip | Harriman | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 129 | Black Langshan Bantam | P | Phillip | Harriman | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 129 | Black Langshan Bantam | P | Phillip | Harriman | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 366 | White Old English Bantam | P | Phillip | Harriman | 8 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 116 | White Old English Bantam | P | Phillip | Harriman | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 129 | Black Langshan Bantam | P | Phillip | Harriman | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 116 | White Old English Bantam | P | Phillip | Harriman | 2 |
West Texas Fair and Rodeo | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 112 | Black Modern Bantam | P | Phil | Harriman | 6 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 421 | White Call Duck | C | Don | Harrington | 11 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 93 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Don | Harrington | 3 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 15 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Don | Harrington | 1 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 345 | White Call Duck | C | Don | Harrington | 11 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 78 | White Call Duck | C | Don | Harrington | 3 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Duck | 342 | Gray Call Duck | H | Don | Harrington | 8 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Champion Landfowl | 824 | Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam | C | Don | Harrington | 19 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Show Champion | 1269 | White Call Duck | C | Don | Harrington | 21 |
West Niagara Fair | 9/7/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 365 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Don | Harrington | 11 |
West Niagara Fair | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 22 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | Don | Harrington | 3 |
West Niagara Fair | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 95 | Pastel Call Duck | K | Don | Harrington | 8 |
West Niagara Fair | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 73 | White Call Duck | K | Don | Harrington | 3 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 50 | NB White Crested Black Polish Bantam | K | Johny | Haussener | 2 |
Arkansas State Fair | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 35 | White Naked Neck Large Fowl | H | Ed | Haworth | 5 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 60 | White Naked Neck Large Fowl | K | Ed | Haworth | 2 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 116 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | P | Ed | Haworth | 11 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 297 | Black Naked Neck Large Fowl | K | Ed | Haworth | 6 |
Central Louisiana Poultry Club | 3/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 35 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | C | Joseph | Hayes | 5 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 81 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Heather | Hayes | 5 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 81 | Blue Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Heather | Hayes | 2 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 78 | SC Light Brown Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Heather | Hayes | 6 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 476 | Wheaten Ko Shamo Bantam | C | Heather | Hayes | 11 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 4 | Wheaten Ko Shamo Bantam | Heather | Hayes | 2 | |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 476 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Heather | Hayes | 11 |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 81 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Heather | Hayes | 5 |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 81 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Heather | Hayes | 2 |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 414 | Wheaten Ko Shamo Bantam | K | Heather | Hayes | 7 |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 4 | Wheaten Ko Shamo Bantam | Heather | Hayes | 2 | |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Grand Champion Trio | 4 | Wheaten Ko Shamo Bantam | Heather | Hayes | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 39 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | P | Cheri | Helbert | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 39 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | P | Cheri | Helbert | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 39 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | P | Cheri | Helbert | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 28 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Lisa | Helms | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 25 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | K | Lisa | Helms | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 28 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Lisa | Helms | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 28 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | Lisa | Helms | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 25 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Lisa | Helms | 2 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 25 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 2 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 23 | White China Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 5 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 23 | White China Goose | P | Jacob | Hendzel | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 11 | White China Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 2 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 23 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Jacob | Hendzel | 7 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 23 | Gray Toulouse Goose | K | Jacob | Hendzel | 2 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 10 | White China Goose | H | Jacob | Hendzel | 5 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 10 | White China Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 2 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Goose | 14 | Buff Toulouse Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 5 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 14 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 2 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 27 | White China Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 6 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 47 | White China Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 7 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 23 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Jacob | Hendzel | 7 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 23 | Gray Toulouse Goose | K | Jacob | Hendzel | 3 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 10 | White China Goose | H | Jacob | Hendzel | 5 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 10 | White China Goose | C | Jacob | Hendzel | 2 |
Wisconsin State Fair | 8/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 21 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Jacob | Hendzel | 2 |
Wisconsin State Fair | 8/1/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Duck | 25 | Silver Appleyard Duck | K | Jacob | Hendzel | 5 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Game | 60 | Blue Red Old English Bantam | K | John | Hicks | 12 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 740 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | John | Hicks | 11 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 61 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | John | Hicks | 5 |
Ozark Empire Fair | 8/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 50 | Spangled Old English Bantam | H | John | Hicks | 2 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 40 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Aaron | Hickson | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 440 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Hickson | 9 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 43 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Hickson | 7 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 31 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Hickson | 2 |
North Texas Poultry Showcase | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 75 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | Aaron | Hickson | 6 |
North Texas Poultry Showcase | 3/2/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 75 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Aaron | Hickson | 7 |
Amarillo Bantam Club Fair Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 290 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Tracy | Hill | 8 |
Amarillo Bantam Club Fair Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 73 | Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Tracy | Hill | 2 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 650 | BB Red Old English Bantam | H | Tracy | Hill | 14 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 106 | Blue Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Tracy | Hill | 2 |
Apache County Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 400 | BB Red Old English Bantam | H | Tracy | Hill | 5 |
Apache County Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 60 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Tracy | Hill | 2 |
Big Dipper Classic | 8/25/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 36 | Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Thomas | Hill | 6 |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 446 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Tracy | Hill | 11 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 19 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Linda Dawn | Hill | 1 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 116 | BB Red Old English Bantam | H | Tracy | Hill | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 19 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Linda Dawn | Hill | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 19 | Buckeye Large Fowl | P | Linda Dawn | Hill | 1 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 108 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Tracy | Hill | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 366 | Blue Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Tracy | Hill | 11 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 108 | BB Red Old English Bantam | H | Tracy | Hill | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 61 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Tracy | Hill | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 2 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 61 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Tracy | Hill | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 4 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 315 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Tracy | Hill | 8 |
Panhandle South Plains Fair | 9/21/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 363 | BB Red Old English Bantam | P | Tracy | Hill | 11 |
Permian Basin Fair and Expo | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 13 | Buckeye Large Fowl | C | Linda Dawn | Hill | 6 |
Permian Basin Fair and Expo | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 182 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Tracy | Hill | 8 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 27 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | John | Hoekstra | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 27 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | John | Hoekstra | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 53 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | K | John | Hoekstra | 2 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 171 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | P | John | Hoekstra | 11 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 25 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | C | John | Hoekstra | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 125 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | H | John | Hoekstra | 6 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 81 | Black Langshan Bantam | P | John | Hoekstra | 2 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 81 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Justin | Holschbach | 2 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 31 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | P | Samantha | Horning | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 850 | Black East Indie Duck | P | Lou | Horton | 10 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 850 | Black East Indie Duck | H | Lou | Horton | 11 |
White River Poultry Club | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 59 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Lou | Horton | 9 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 88 | Black East Indie Duck | K | House of Champions | 7 | |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 88 | White Call Duck | C | House of Champions | 9 | |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 88 | White Call Duck | C | House of Champions | 4 | |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Tan Card | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 12 | White Call Duck | House of Champions | 1 | ||
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 36 | Black East Indie Duck | C | House of Champions | 9 | |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 30 | White Call Duck | C | House of Champions | 3 | |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 112 | White Call Duck | K | House of Champions | 9 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 103 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Dustin | Hunter | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 103 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Dustin | Hunter | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 103 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Dustin | Hunter | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 103 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Dustin | Hunter | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 103 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Dustin | Hunter | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 101 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | Dustin | Hunter | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 3 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 101 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Dustin | Hunter | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 4 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 101 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Dustin | Hunter | 5 |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Show Champion | 269 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Ric | Hunter | 16 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 76 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Dustin | Hunter | 2 |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 207 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Ric | Hunter | 6 |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 51 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Ric | Hunter | 2 |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 22 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | Ric | Hunter | 2 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Modern | 56 | Brown Red Modern Bantam | H | Hunter Bantams | 2 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 108 | Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam | C | Hunter Bantams | 5 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 20 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | C | Hunter Bantams | 1 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 315 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Hunter Bantams | 11 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 2 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 61 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Hunter Bantams | 2 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 3 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 315 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Hunter Bantams | 11 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 3 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 20 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | C | Hunter Bantams | 2 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 4 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 61 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Hunter Bantams | 2 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 229 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Hunter Bantams | 8 | |
North Carolina State Fair | 10/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 205 | BB Red Old English Bantam | C | Tony | Hussey | 2 |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 474 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | H | Heidi | Hylkema | 11 |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 142 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | C | Heidi | Hylkema | 3 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 111 | Bearded Black Silkie Bantam | P | Archie | Ice | 2 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Show Champion | 812 | White Old English Bantam | K | Igo-Dooley Bantams | 21 | |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 102 | White Old English Bantam | K | Igo-Dooley Bantams | 5 | |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 102 | White Old English Bantam | P | Igo-Dooley Bantams | 2 | |
Pearl River Classic Show 2 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 102 | White Old English Bantam | K | Igo-Dooley Bantams | 5 | |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 107 | Black Old English Bantam | K | Igo-Dooley Bantams | 2 | |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 107 | White Old English Bantam | P | Igo-Dooley Bantams | 5 | |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Old English | 73 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Igo-Dooley Bantams | 2 | |
Southeast Arkansas District Fair | 10/3/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 200 | White Old English Bantam | H | Igo-Dooley Bantams | 11 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Spring Fling Show 1 | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 45 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Lyndon | Irwin | 6 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Champion Continental | 30 | Welsummer Large Fowl | K | Lyndon | Irwin | 25 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 25 | Barnevelders Large Fowl | P | Lyndon | Irwin | 2 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 705 | Columbian Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Lyndon | Irwin | 6 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1106 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Lyndon | Irwin | 9 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 151 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Lyndon | Irwin | 6 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 268 | Barnevelders Large Fowl | H | Lyndon | Irwin | 6 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 33 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Lyndon | Irwin | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 30 | Welsummer Large Fowl | K | Lyndon | Irwin | 5 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 33 | Barnevelders Large Fowl | H | Lyndon | Irwin | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 33 | Welsummer Large Fowl | P | Lyndon | Irwin | 5 |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 487 | Black Cayuga Duck | H | J and D Poultry | 15 | |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 195 | Black East Indie Duck | P | J and J Call Ducks | 14 | |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Show Champion | 685 | Pastel Call Duck | H | J and J Call Ducks | 31 | |
Canadian Heritage Breeds Stony Plain Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 238 | Pastel Call Duck | K | J and J Call Ducks | 11 | |
Cluck and Quack Poultry Show 2019 | 11/30/2019 | Provincial | Show Champion | 234 | Black East Indie Duck | C | J and J Call Ducks | 16 | |
Cluck and Quack Poultry Show 2019 | 11/30/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 70 | Black East Indie Duck | P | J and J Call Ducks | 7 | |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Bantam | 509 | Dominique Bantam | C | Janice | James | 16 |
Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 8 | Bronze Turkey | C | Benjamin | Janicki | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion American | 98 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Michael | Jarvis | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Grand Champion Trio | 4 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | Michael | Jarvis | 2 | |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 3 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | Michael | Jarvis | 2 | |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 750 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | K | Bert and Jeannie | Jarvis | 9 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 5 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | Michael | Jarvis | 2 | |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Champion Turkey | 12 | Beltsville Small White Turkey | H | Gillian | Jenkinson | 15 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Turkey | 12 | Beltsville Small White Turkey | K | Gillian | Jenkinson | 7 |
Big Dipper Classic | 8/25/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 14 | Dominique Large Fowl | H | Melissa | Jensen | 2 |
Oregon State Fair | 8/23/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 164 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | John | Jensen, Jr. | 13 |
Oregon State Fair | 8/23/2019 | State | Grand Champion Trio | 8 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | YT | John | Jensen, Jr. | 2 |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 54 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | JNR Poultry | 7 | |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 25 | Brown African Goose | K | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 25 | White Embden Goose | C | JNR Poultry | 7 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 181 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | JNR Poultry | 7 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 2 | Bronze Turkey | C | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Lavender Guinea | C | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Lavender Guinea | C | JNR Poultry | 1 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 2 | Narragansett Turkey | C | JNR Poultry | 1 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 21 | Silver Welsh Harlequin Duck | H | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 33 | White Embden Goose | K | JNR Poultry | 6 | |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 36 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | JNR Poultry | 5 | |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 11 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | JNR Poultry | 1 | ||
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Champion Medium Goose | 10 | American Buff Goose | C | JNR Poultry | 10 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 10 | American Buff Goose | H | JNR Poultry | 5 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 21 | Black East Indie Duck | K | JNR Poultry | 14 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 21 | Black East Indie Duck | H | JNR Poultry | 7 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Champion Large Fowl | 55 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | JNR Poultry | 12 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 55 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | P | JNR Poultry | 6 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Turkey | 2 | Bronze Turkey | K | JNR Poultry | 1 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 11 | Brown African Goose | C | JNR Poultry | 6 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 10 | Lavender Guinea | C | JNR Poultry | 5 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Champion Turkey | 2 | Narragansett Turkey | C | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 10 | Pearl Guinea | C | JNR Poultry | 10 | |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 11 | White Embden Goose | C | JNR Poultry | 12 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 33 | Black East Indie Duck | C | JNR Poultry | 3 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 1 | Bronze Turkey | H | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 24 | Brown African Goose | K | JNR Poultry | 3 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 11 | Buff American Goose | C | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Lavender Guinea | C | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Lavender Guinea | H | JNR Poultry | 1 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 57 | White Call Duck | H | JNR Poultry | 9 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 57 | White Embden Goose | C | JNR Poultry | 8 | |
Fayette County Fair | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Goose | 11 | White Sebastopol Goose | H | JNR Poultry | 5 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 81 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | JNR Poultry | 8 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 28 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 12 | Brown African Goose | H | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 81 | Buff American Goose | H | JNR Poultry | 9 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Goose | 12 | White Embden Goose | K | JNR Poultry | 5 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 80 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | P | JNR Poultry | 6 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 12 | Brown African Goose | H | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 24 | Buff American Goose | H | JNR Poultry | 7 | |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 24 | White Embden Goose | K | JNR Poultry | 6 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 33 | Black East Indie Duck | C | JNR Poultry | 9 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 12 | Black East Indie Duck | H | JNR Poultry | 1 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 347 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | JNR Poultry | 9 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 97 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | P | JNR Poultry | 3 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 22 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | OT | JNR Poultry | 11 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl Trio | 10 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | YT | JNR Poultry | 5 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 21 | Brown African Goose | C | JNR Poultry | 3 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Goose | 10 | Buff American Goose | H | JNR Poultry | 5 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 10 | Buff American Goose | H | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 10 | Pearl Guinea | K | JNR Poultry | 5 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 10 | Pearl Guinea | C | JNR Poultry | 2 | |
South Texas State Fair | 3/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 33 | White Embden Goose | C | JNR Poultry | 8 | |
Brant County Poultry Spring Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 22 | Egyptian Goose | H | Chris | Johnson | 2 |
Clinton Spring Fair | 6/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 17 | Egyptian Goose | C | Chris | Johnson | 1 |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 10 | Egyptian Goose | C | Chris | Johnson | 7 |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 10 | Egyptian Goose | H | Chris | Johnson | 3 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 26 | Black Cayuga Duck | C | Chris | Johnson | 3 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 253 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | Chris | Johnson | 9 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 4 | Narragansett Turkey | P | Chris | Johnson | 1 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 26 | White China Goose | H | Chris | Johnson | 9 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 34 | Embden Goose | C | Tim | Johnson | 7 |
Norfolk County Fair | 10/7/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 234 | Black Cayuga Duck | C | Chris | Johnson | 11 |
Norfolk County Fair | 10/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 134 | Brown Red Old English Bantam | H | Chris | Johnson | 8 |
Norfolk County Fair | 10/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 234 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | H | Chris | Johnson | 10 |
Norfolk County Fair | 10/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 48 | White China Goose | C | Chris | Johnson | 6 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 73 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | Chris | Johnson | 7 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion American | 27 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Chris | Johnson | 5 |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 27 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Chris | Johnson | 2 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOSB | 95 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Seth | Johnson | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 43 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 6 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 119 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 440 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 8 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 18 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 19 | Dark Cornish Large Fowl | H | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 19 | Dark Cornish Large Fowl | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 1 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 440 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 11 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 129 | White d’Uccle Bantam | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 116 | White Old English Bantam | H | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 18 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Champion Game | 119 | Crele Old English Bantam | P | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 363 | Dark Cornish Bantam | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 6 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 19 | Dark Cornish Large Fowl | H | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 18 | Gray Call Duck | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 366 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | P | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 11 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 440 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 11 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 119 | White Old English Bantam | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 18 | Black East Indie Duck | P | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 43 | Dark Cornish Large Fowl | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 6 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 440 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 8 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 440 | Silver Sebright Bantam | H | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 11 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #3 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 76 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 43 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 7 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 440 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 8 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 34 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 18 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 18 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 19 | Dark Cornish Large Fowl | H | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 440 | Silver Sebright Bantam | H | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 11 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 315 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | H | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 5 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 61 | White Old English Bantam | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 2 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 20 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 1 | |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 2 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 3 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 61 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 3 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 3 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 315 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 8 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 4 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 20 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | C | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 4 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Black East Indie Duck | K | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 4 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 4 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 315 | Silver Sebright Bantam | H | Dwayne and Melody | Jonas | 11 |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 2 | Bronze Turkey | P | Troy | Jones | 1 |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 5 | Pearl Guinea | K | Troy | Jones | 2 |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 5 | Pearl Guinea | K | Troy | Jones | 1 |
Abilene Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 2 | Slate Turkey | C | Troy | Jones | 2 |
Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Frank | Joseph | 2 |
Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | H | Frank | Joseph | 1 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 167 | Bearded Buff Laced Polish Large Fowl | H | Michael | Journigan | 2 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 167 | Bearded Buff Laced Polish Large Fowl | H | Michael | Journigan | 2 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 52 | Dominique Large Fowl | P | Brian | Justice | 2 |
Uniontown Poultry Association Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 76 | Partridge Wyandotte Bantam | P | Brian | Justice | 2 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion American | 34 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | K | K and R Wyandottes | 5 | |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 34 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | K and R Wyandottes | 2 | |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 525 | White Cornish Bantam | Kane’s Feathered Friends | 3 | ||
Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair | 7/26/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 214 | Red Pyle Modern Bantam | C | Kane’s Feathered Friends | 11 | |
Fredericksburg Agricultural Fair | 7/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 214 | White Cornish Bantam | C | Kane’s Feathered Friends | 8 | |
All Things Poultry Event, Show, White Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 169 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | Jacob | Keese | 6 |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 26 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Jacob | Keese | 2 |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 66 | Silver Sebright Bantam | P | Isaac | Keese | 2 |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 66 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Jacob | Keese | 5 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 62 | New Hampshire Bantam | P | Jay | Keesling | 2 |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Champion SCCL | 62 | New Hampshire Bantam | K | Jay | Keesling | 10 |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 95 | Black Cayuga Duck | Kershaw’s Waterfowl | 2 | ||
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Duck | 65 | Black Cayuga Duck | P | Kershaw’s Waterfowl | 5 | |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 88 | Pilgrim Goose | P | Kershaw’s Waterfowl | 6 | |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 38 | Pilgrim Goose | C | Kershaw’s Waterfowl | 2 | |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 42 | Pilgrim Goose | H | Kershaw’s Waterfowl | 6 | |
Lawrence County Poultry Club Show | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 10 | White Cornish Large Fowl | C | Katherine | Kisrow | 7 |
Central Pennsylvania Avian Club | 5/5/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 19 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Michelle | Klales | 11 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 100 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Michelle | Klales | 7 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 28 | White Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | Sherry | Klaus | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 4 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 101 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | Paige | Kleckner | 2 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 116 | Bearded Black Silkie Bantam | H | Paige | Kleckner | 2 |
Southwestern Exposition and Junior Livestock Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 165 | Bearded Black Silkie Bantam | H | Paige | Kleckner | 2 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Champion Asiatic | 138 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | K | Rick | Klehr | 25 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 297 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Rick | Klehr | 7 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 44 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | K | Rick | Klehr | 2 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Champion Large Fowl Trio | 16 | Delaware Large Fowl | Joe | Klein | 10 | |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 6 | White Embden Goose | C | Sarah and Matt | Kmetetz | 7 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 22 | Buff American Goose | H | Sarah and Matt | Kmetetz | 2 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 90 | Buff Brahma Bantam | P | Jackie and Vanessa | Koedatich | 2 |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 294 | Speckled Sussex Bantam | H | Jackie and Vanessa | Koedatich | 6 |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion SCCL | 62 | Speckled Sussex Bantam | P | Jackie and Vanessa | Koedatich | 5 |
Florida State Fair | 2/7/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 152 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | H | Jackie | Koedatich | 7 |
Florida State Fair | 2/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 565 | Light Brahma Bantam | H | Jackie | Koedatich | 7 |
Orange Blossom Special Blue Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 56 | Light Brahma Bantam | H | Jackie and Vanessa | Koedatich | 2 |
Orange Blossom Special White Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 56 | Light Brahma Bantam | H | Jackie and Vanessa | Koedatich | 2 |
Florida State Fair | 2/7/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 84 | Speckled Sussex Bantam | P | Koedatich, Hilker and Olson | 2 | |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 113 | Speckled Sussex Bantam | P | Koedatich, Hilker and Olson | 5 | |
Orange Blossom Special Blue Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 57 | Speckled Sussex Bantam | P | Koedatich, Hilker and Olson | 2 | |
Orange Blossom Special White Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 57 | Speckled Sussex Bantam | H | Koedatich, Hilker and Olson | 5 | |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 109 | Black East Indie Duck | H | James | Konecny | 2 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Light Goose | 21 | Brown China Goose | C | James | Konecny | 5 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 25 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | James | Konecny | 6 |
Central Illinois Poultry Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 29 | Rouen Duck | C | James | Konecny | 2 |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 65 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | James | Konecny | 2 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserv Champion Heavy Duck | 230 | Rouen Duck | P | James | Konecny | 12 |
Uniontown Poultry Association Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 26 | Wheaten Shamo Large Fowl | H | John | Kowalski | 5 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 107 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | C | Daniel | Kuyoth | 10 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Continental | 107 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | P | Daniel | Kuyoth | 5 |
New Mexico State Fair | 9/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 134 | Mottled Jap Bantam | H | Natasha | Kwiatkowski | 8 |
New Mexico State Fair | 9/13/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 11 | White Call Duck | H | Natasha | Kwiatkowski | 4 |
New Mexico State Fair | 9/13/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 2 | White Turkey | H | Natasha | Kwiatkowski | 2 |
New Mexico State Fair | 9/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 2 | White Turkey | C | Natasha | Kwiatkowski | 1 |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 61 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | H | L and M Poultry | 6 | |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Champion AOCCL | 77 | White Crested Black Polish Bantam | H | James | Laatsch | 10 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Grand Champion Trio | 2 | White Crested Black Polish Bantam | James | Laatsch | 2 | |
Colorado Spring Poultry Exhibition – Home and Landscaping Show | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 14 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | C | James | LaChey | 1 |
Colorado Spring Poultry Exhibition – Home and Landscaping Show | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 15 | Blue Wheaten Old English Bantam | C | James | LaChey | 1 |
Colorado Spring Poultry Exhibition – Home and Landscaping Show | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 1 | Brown China Goose | James | LaChey | 1 | |
Colorado Spring Poultry Exhibition – Home and Landscaping Show | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 3 | White Pekin Duck | C | James | LaChey | 2 |
Pikes Peek Poultry Assocation 23rd Annual Garden Success Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 6 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | C | James | LaChey | 1 |
Pikes Peek Poultry Assocation 23rd Annual Garden Success Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 18 | Blue Wheaten Old English Bantam | K | James | LaChey | 6 |
Pikes Peek Poultry Assocation 23rd Annual Garden Success Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 1 | Lavender Guinea | H | James | LaChey | 2 |
Pikes Peek Poultry Assocation 23rd Annual Garden Success Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 3 | Non Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | James | LaChey | 1 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 146 | Silver Sebright Bantam | H | Jim | Landon | 5 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1165 | Silver Sebright Bantam | H | Jim | Landon | 11 |
Erie County Fair | 8/17/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 35 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | C | Mark | Langerman | 5 |
Erie County Fair | 8/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 35 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | H | Mark | Langerman | 2 |
Lebanon Area Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 254 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Dana | Lape | 11 |
Lebanon Area Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 60 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Dana | Lape | 2 |
Lebanon Area Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 44 | Black East Indie Duk | C | Daulton | Lape | 9 |
Lebanon Area Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 52 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | C | Daulton | Lape | 6 |
Lebanon Area Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 35 | White Crested Duck | H | Daulton | Lape | 6 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 84 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Daulton | Lape | 2 |
PA Farm Show – South Mountain Fair | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 204 | Blue Old English Bantam | C | Dylan | Lape | 6 |
York County Poultry Fanciers Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 55 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Daulton | Lape | 2 |
York Fair | 9/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 63 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | C | Dana | Lape | 6 |
York Fair | 9/9/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 37 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Daulton | Lape | 9 |
York Fair | 9/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 48 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | Daulton | Lape | 6 |
York Fair | 9/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 37 | White Call Duck | C | Dylan | Lape | 4 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Modern | 197 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Troy | Laroche | 12 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 26 | Birchen Modern Bantam | Troy | Laroche | 1 | |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 824 | Lemon Blue Modern Bantam | P | Troy | Laroche | 17 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Champion Modern | 57 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Troy | Laroche | 15 |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 73 | Speckled Sussex Bantam | H | Kaelynn | Latshaw | 2 |
Lawrence County Poultry Club Show White Tag | 11/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 10 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | Scott | Latta | 7 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Champion Turkey | 3 | Beltsville Small White Turkey | Kyle | Lawrence | 2 | |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 113 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Larry | Lawrence | 5 |
White River Poultry Club | 4/13/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 124 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Larry | Lawrence | 5 |
White River Poultry Club | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 106 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Larry | Lawrence | 2 |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Champion Turkey | 3 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Lunamarie | Lee | 2 |
New England Bantam Fall Show | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 2 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Lunamarie | Lee | 1 |
Wisconsin State Fair | 8/1/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 96 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Duane | Lee | 9 |
Wisconsin State Fair | 8/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 25 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Duane | Lee | 2 |
Wisconsin State Fair | 8/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 96 | Black Runner Duck | K | Duane | Lee | 7 |
Wisconsin State Fair | 8/1/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 35 | Brown China Goose | C | Duane | Lee | 7 |
Wisconsin State Fair | 8/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 14 | Brown China Goose | H | Duane | Lee | 2 |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 2078 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Shannon | Lejeune | 11 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 476 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Shannon | Lejeune | 8 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Champion AOCCL | 50 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Shannon | Lejeune | 10 |
Cape Fear Poultry Assocation | 2/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 81 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | Camille | Lewandowski | 6 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 52 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | C | Camille | Lewandowski | 5 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 7 | Dark Cornish Large Fowl | OT | Mark | Lewis | 1 |
New England Bantam Spring Show | 5/5/2019 | CLub | Reserve Champion AOSB | 29 | Red Pyle Modern Large Fowl | H | Mark | Lewis | 2 |
Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 26 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | H | Marcia | Lincoln | 10 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 993 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Tim | Lindenborn | 11 |
West Texas Fair and Rodeo | 9/7/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 165 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Tim | Lindenborn | 11 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 859 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Tim | Lindenborn | 7 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Trio | 21 | Birchen Modern Bantam | Michael | Linn | 5 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 75 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | P | Sonia and LeRoy | Lirette | 6 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Reserve Champion English | 29 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | H | Sonia and Leeoy | Lirette | 5 |
Green River Poultry Club Fall Show | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 68 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | P | Jerry | Little | 2 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Show Champion | 1152 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Reynold | Loecker | 18 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion AOCCL | 63 | Black Sumatra Bantam | H | Reynold | Loecker | 15 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion RCCL | 93 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Reynold | Loecker | 7 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 112 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Reynold | Loecker | 7 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Grand Champion Trio | 41 | Black Cochin Bantam | Reynold | Loecker | 12 | |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Reserve Champion SCCL | 151 | Black Jap Bantam | C | Reynold | Loecker | 7 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Champion Game | 50 | Black Old English Bantam | P | Reynold | Loecker | 15 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Show Champion | 684 | Black Sumatra Bantam | H | Reynold | Loecker | 21 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Champion RCCL | 101 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Reynold | Loecker | 15 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Reserve Champion RCCL | 101 | Partridge Wyandotte Bantam | K | Reynold | Loecker | 7 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Reserve Show Champion | 684 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Reynold | Loecker | 18 |
South Dakota State Fair | 8/29/2019 | District | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 41 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | Reynold | Loecker | 6 | |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 304 | Partridge Wyandotte Bantam | K | Reynold | Loecker | 6 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 109 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | K | Reynold | Loecker | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Green Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 81 | Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Don | Long | 7 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 81 | Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | Don | Long | 11 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 73 | Black and White Magpie Duck | P | Lund Poultry | 5 | |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 187 | White Sebastopol Goose | H | Lund Poultry | 6 | |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 90 | White Sebastopol Goose | P | Lund Poultry | 2 | |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Duck | 897 | Black and White Magpie Duck | P | Lund Poultry | 26 | |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 1201 | White Sebastopol Goose | P | Lund Poultry | 27 | |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 36 | Brown African Goose | C | Lund Poultry | 2 | |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 42 | White Sebastopol Goose | C | Lund Poultry | 2 | |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 70 | Gray Call Duck | H | Art | Lundgren | 9 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 146 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Art | Lundgren | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 146 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | Art | Lundgren | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 141 | White Call Duck | C | Art | Lundgren | 9 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 100 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Art | Lundgren | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 100 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Art | Lundgren | 2 |
Erie County Fair | 8/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 62 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Art | Lundgren | 4 |
Erie County Fair | 8/17/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 103 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | H | Art | Lundgren | 5 |
Erie County Fair | 8/17/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 62 | White Call Duck | C | Art | Lundgren | 9 |
Erie County Fair | 8/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 103 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | Art | Lundgren | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 85 | White Call Duck | K | Art | Lundgren | 9 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 85 | White Call Duck | K | Art | Lundgren | 9 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 103 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | Art | Lundgren | 2 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 36 | Gray Call Duck | H | Art | Lundgren | 9 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 36 | White Call Duck | P | Art | Lundgren | 4 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 86 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | Art | Lundgren | 5 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Bantam Duck | 103 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Art | Lundgren | 7 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion RCCL | 145 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Art | Lundgren | 7 |
Western Reserve Poultry Club | 5/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 7 | Pastel Call Duck | C | Art | Lundgren | 4 |
Western Reserve Poultry Club | 5/18/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 7 | White Call Duck | C | Art | Lundgren | 9 |
Lebanon Area Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 44 | Brown Egyptian Goose | P | Keith | Lutz | 9 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 63 | White Aylesbury Duck | H | Keith | Lutz | 2 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 108 | White Call Duck | C | Keith | Lutz | 2 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 96 | Black Muscovy Duck | K | Keith | Lutz | 5 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 10 | Brown Egyptian Goose | C | Keith | Lutz | 5 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 64 | Dark Cornish Large Fowl | C | Jesse | Lyons | 2 |
Missouri State Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 37 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Jesse | Lyons | 5 |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 9 | Gray Call Duck | Priscilla Dawn | Lytle | 1 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 75 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | K | M and J Farm | 7 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 25 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | M and J Farm | 2 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 691 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | K | M and J Farm | 8 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 57 | Black East Indie Duck | K | M and J Farm | 8 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 75 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | M and J Farm | 6 | |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 25 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | M and J Farm | 2 | |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 405 | Black East Indie Duck | P | M and J Farm | 12 | |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 131 | Black East Indie Duck | K | M and J Farm | 2 | |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 303 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | P | M and J Farm | 7 | |
Oklahoma State Poultry Federation | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 303 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | K | M and J Farm | 3 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 3 | Partridge Cochin Bantam | M and M Exhibition Poultry | 1 | ||
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Grand Champion Trio | 3 | White Cochin Bantam | M and M Exhibition Poultry | 2 | ||
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 3 | Partridge Cochin Bantam | M and M Exhibition Poultry | 1 | ||
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 3 | White Cochin Bantam | M and M Exhibition Poultry | 2 | ||
Expo Lachute Fair | 7/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 140 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | C | Trevor | MacDonald | 4 |
Expo Lachute Fair | 7/12/2019 | Club | Champion Landfowl | 140 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Bantam | C | Trevor | MacDonald | 9 |
Expo Lachute Fair | 7/12/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 58 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | H | Trevor | MacDonald | 7 |
Expo Lachute Fair | 7/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 25 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | C | Trevor | MacDonald | 2 |
Expo Lachute Fair | 7/12/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 18 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Trevor | MacDonald | 7 |
Expo Lachute Fair | 7/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 18 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Trevor | MacDonald | 3 |
Expo Ormstown Poultry Show | 6/8/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 101 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | H | Trevor | MacDonald | 11 |
New Brunswick Fall Show | 9/28/2019 | Provincial | Champion Goose | 38 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Trevor | MacDonald | 12 |
Valley Fanciers Spring Fowl Fest | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 71 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | C | Trevor | MacDonald | 6 |
Valley Fanciers Spring Fowl Fest | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 32 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | Trevor | MacDonald | 6 | |
West Texas Fair and Rodeo | 9/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 14 | Dark Cornsih Large Fowl | H | Sheldon | Macha | 1 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Bantam | 307 | Blue Wheaten Old English Batnam | P | Dwight | Madsen | 25 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Game | 116 | Spangled Old English Bantam | H | Dwight | Madsen | 2 |
Ozark Empire Fair | 8/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 257 | Blue Wheaten Old English Bantam | H | Dwight | Madsen | 11 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 2/2/2019 | Club | Champion American | 26 | Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Kevin | Magness | 5 |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOSB | 37 | White Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Kevin | Magness | 5 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion American | 82 | Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Kevin | Magness | 5 |
All Things Poultry Event, Show, Green Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 52 | Pastel Call Duck | H | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 4 | |
All Things Poultry Event, Show, Green Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 266 | White Call Duck | P | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 10 | |
All Things Poultry Event, Show, White Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 266 | White Call Duck | K | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 10 | |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Champion Waterfowl | 66 | White Call Duck | C | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 19 | |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 66 | White Call Duck | C | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 9 | |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Duck | 131 | Gray Call Duck | H | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 11 | |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 98 | White Call Duck | K | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 5 | |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 52 | White Call Duck | K | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 9 | |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 52 | White Call Duck | C | Mahlum’s Waterfowl | 4 | |
Red Stick Poultry Show Blue Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 12 | Black East Indie Duck | H | Ashley | Malone | 1 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 12 | Black East Indie Duck | H | Ashley | Malone | 1 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Ashley | Malone | 2 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 14 | Black East Indie Duck | C | Ashley | Malone | 2 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | C | Shane | Manuel | 5 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | H | Shane | Manuel | 2 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 11/30/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | C | Shane | Manuel | 2 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 11/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | H | Shane | Manuel | 1 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | C | Shane | Manuel | 5 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 15 | Pearl Guinea | H | Shane | Manuel | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Red/White | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 4 | Gray Runner Duck | H | Lisa | Marshall-Thomas | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Red/White | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 4 | Khaki Campbell Duck | K | Lisa | Marshall-Thomas | 1 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Yellow/Blue | 1/5/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 4 | Gray Runner Duck | H | Lisa | Marshall-Thomas | 4 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Yellow/Blue | 1/5/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 4 | Khaki Campbell Duck | K | Lisa | Marshall-Thomas | 3 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 272 | Black American Game Bantam | C | Robert | Martell | 3 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 169 | White Cochin Bantam | C | Robert | Martell | 5 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 46 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Matt | Martin | 2 |
Central Main Bird Fanciers Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Champion Bantam | 298 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Matt | Martin | 7 |
Central Main Bird Fanciers Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 66 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Matt | Martin | 2 |
Central Main Bird Fanciers Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 376 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Matt | Martin | 11 |
Central Maine Bird Fanciers Fall Show | 10/6/2019 | State | Champion Large Fowl | 55 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Matt | Martin | 12 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 61 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Matt | Martin | 3 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 123 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Matt | Martin | 5 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 102 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Matt | Martin | 5 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 102 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Matt | Martin | 2 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam | 267 | Columbian Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Matt | Martin | 6 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 67 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Matt | Martin | 5 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 347 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Matt | Martin | 14 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Show Champion | 347 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Matt | Martin | 16 |
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers | 5/19/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 350 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | H | Matt | Martin | 11 |
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers | 5/19/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 58 | White Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | H | Matt | Martin | 7 |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 153 | New Hampshire Large Fowl | K | Neil | Mastenbrook | 7 |
Heart of Dixie Poultry Club Gray Card | 2/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 41 | New Hampshire Large Fowl | K | Neil | Mastenbrook | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 2 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 281 | White Jap Bantam | H | Matheny Family | 6 | |
Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk | 11/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 431 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | K | Amanda | Mather | 11 |
Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 63 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | K | Amanda | Mather | 2 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 52 | Buff Brahma Bantam | H | Keith | Matheson | 5 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 4 | Brown China Goose | H | Ferlin | Matthews | 3 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Ferlin | Matthews | 1 |
Rochester Poultry Association | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 74 | White Cochin Bantam | K | Jamie | Matts | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 116 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Jason | Mayeaux | 5 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 105 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | Jason | Mayeaux | 2 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 4 | New Hampshire Bantam | Joe | Mazur | 1 | |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 4 | New Hampshire Bantam | Joe | Mazur | 1 | |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Show Champion | 415 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Joe | Mazur | 21 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Show Champion | 415 | Black Old English Bantam | H | Joe | Mazur | 18 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Game | 56 | Black Old English Bantam | H | Joe | Mazur | 7 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion SCCL | 65 | New Hampshire Bantam | P | Joe | Mazur | 7 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion SCCL | 65 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | H | Joe | Mazur | 15 |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 331 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Joe | Mazur | 11 |
Oregon Spring Invitational | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 77 | Blue Cochin Bantam | H | Joe | Mazur | 2 |
Washington Feather Fanciers | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 474 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Joe | Mazur | 9 |
Peavy Mart Alberta Provincial Poultry and Pigeon | 1/19/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Bantam | 114 | White Wyandotte Bantam | H | MC Squared | 11 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1400 | Mottled Cochin Bantam | P | Matt | McCammon | 11 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1400 | Mottled Cochin Bantam | H | Matt | McCammon | 9 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 241 | Mottled Cochin Bantam | H | Matt | McCammon | 5 |
Red Hill Bantam Club | 11/30/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 72 | Mottled Cochin Bantam | H | Matt | McCammon | 5 |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 750 | Mottled Cochin Bantam | P | Matt | McCammon | 11 |
White River Poultry Club | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 731 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Matt | McCammon | 9 |
White River Poultry Club | 8/31/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 145 | Blue Cochin Bantam | H | Matt | McCammon | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 719 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 5 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 1 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 719 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 11 |
Heart of the Ozarks Show 2 | 11/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 719 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 11 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Champion RCCL | 73 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 15 |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 682 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 11 |
Red River Bantam Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Landfowl | 588 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 9 |
Red River Bantam Club | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 57 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Jerry | McCarty | 2 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 53 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 2 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Reserve Champion SCCL | 53 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 5 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Bantam | 368 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Jerry | McCarty | 11 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Red/White | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 31 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | C | Christopher | McCary | 2 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Yellow/Blue | 1/5/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Continental | 31 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | K | Christopher | McCary | 5 |
Calhoun County Expo Center Poultry Show Yellow/Blue | 1/5/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 73 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | C | Christopher | McCary | 11 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #1 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 44 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | P | Christopher | McCary | 6 |
Calhoun County Expo Show #2 | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 44 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | P | Christopher | McCary | 7 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion Turkey | 10 | Black Turkey | C | Christopher | McCary | 12 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 9 | Brown African Goose | C | Christopher | McCary | 2 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Show Champion | 6260 | Black Turkey | C | Christopher | McCary | 29 |
Pearl River Classic Show 1 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 120 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | H | Christopher | McCary | 6 |
Pearl River Classic Show 2 | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 120 | Black La Fleche Large Fowl | H | Christopher | McCary | 6 |
Redvers Bird Show | 11/9/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 63 | BB Red Malay Large Fowl | C | Rob | McCulloch | 11 |
Redvers Bird Show | 11/9/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 89 | RC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | H | Rob | McCulloch | 13 |
Cape Fear Poultry Assocation | 2/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 28 | White Sebastopol Goose | H | Angelique | McDowell | 8 |
Cape Fear Poultry Assocation | 2/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 2 | White Sebastopol Goose | C | Angelique | McDowell | 1 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 25 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | H | Teresa | McGayhey | 5 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Reserve Champion SCCL | 78 | New Hampshire Bantam | K | Crystal | McKinnon | 12 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Reserve Champion Goose | 24 | White Embden Goose | C | Crystal | McKinnon | 13 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 29 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Crystal | McKinnon | 2 |
Fraser Valley Poultry Fanciers Association Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 68 | White Embden Goose | C | Crystal | McKinnon | 18 |
North Central Alberta Poultry Association | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 20 | Buckeye Large Fowl | K | Crystal | McKinnon | 1 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds Poultry Show at K-Days 2019 | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 22 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Callum | McLeod | 8 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds Poultry Show at K-Days 2019 | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 3 | Tufted Roman Goose | C | Callum | McLeod | 1 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds Stony Plain Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 10 | Tufted Roman Goose | P | Callum | McLeod | 7 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 5 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Callum | McLeod | 3 |
Fall Featherfest Show #1 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 5 | Tufted Roman Goose | C | Callum | McLeod | 1 |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 62 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Callum | McLeod | 3 |
Fall Featherfest Show #2 | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 5 | Tufted Roman Goose | C | Callum | McLeod | 1 |
Millarville Fair Poultry Show | 8/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 13 | Tufted Roman Goose | H | Callum | McLeod | 3 |
Millarville Fair Poultry Show | 8/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 2 | Tufted Roman Goose | C | Callum | McLeod | 1 |
North Central Alberta Poultry Association | 2/16/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 5 | Tufted Roman Goose | K | Callum | McLeod | 2 |
North Central Alberta Poultry Association | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 5 | Tufted Roman Goose | P | Callum | McLeod | 1 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 28 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | P | Adam | Meinert | 5 |
Beaver Pigeon and Bantam Club Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 919 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | Adam | Meinert | 11 |
York Fair | 9/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 8 | American Buff Goose | P | Kenny | Merrill | 1 |
York Fair | 9/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 48 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | H | Kenny | Merrill | 7 |
York Fair | 9/9/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 1 | White Guinea | Kenny | Merrill | 2 | |
Colorado Poultry Association Spring Show | 4/13/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 7 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | Nancy | Metzgar | 2 | |
Denver County Fair | 7/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 130 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | K | Nancy | Metzgar | 11 |
Mike the Headless Chicken | 6/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 106 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | P | Nancy | Metzgar | 4 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 574 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | Nancy | Metzgar | 9 | |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 88 | Salmon Faverolle Bantam | P | Nancy | Metzgar | 2 |
National Western Stock Show | 1/26/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 27 | Salmon Faverolle Large Fowl | K | Nancy | Metzgar | 5 |
Rocky Mountain Feather Fanciers Futurity | 10/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 208 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | H | Nancy | Metzgar | 6 |
Uniontown Poultry Association | 4/14/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 452 | Bearded Black Silkie Bantam | H | Andrew | Miles | 11 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Card | 4/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 740 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Ken and Bernita | Miller | 8 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 201 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | Peter | Milliman | 8 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 164 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Peter | Milliman | 6 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 282 | Black Cayuga Duck | P | Peter | Milliman | 7 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 28 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | Peter | Milliman | 2 |
Northern NY Poultry Fanciers | 9/15/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 93 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | Peter | Milliman | 9 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Champion Medium Duck | 44 | Black Cayuga Duck | P | Peter | Milliman | 15 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 44 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | Peter | Milliman | 7 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion English | 56 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | H | Clay and Laura | Mills | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 141 | White Runner Duck | C | Clay and Laura | Mills | 7 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 43 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | P | Clay and Laura | Mills | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 26 | White Runner Duck | C | Clay and Laura | Mills | 5 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 710 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | P | Clay and Laura | Mills | 8 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 710 | Black Orpington Large Fowl | P | Clay and Laura | Mills | 8 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 40 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | H | Clay and Laura | Mills | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 85 | White Runner Duck | C | Clay and Laura | Mills | 7 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 25 | White Runner Duck | C | Clay and Laura | Mills | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 40 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | H | Clay and Laura | Mills | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 85 | White Runner Duck | C | Clay and Laura | Mills | 7 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 25 | White Runner Duck | C | Clay and Laura | Mills | 2 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 42 | White Runner Duck | C | Clay and Laura | Mills | 12 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 103 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Don | Monke | 5 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 103 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Don | Monke | 2 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 208 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Don | Monke | 5 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 208 | White Wyandotte Bantam | K | Don | Monke | 2 |
Apache County Fair – 4 Corners Poultry Show Green Card | 10/26/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 88 | Pastel Call Duck | C | Monk’s Poultry | 14 | |
Apache County Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 25 | White Call Duck | C | Monk’s Poultry | 9 | |
Apache County Spring Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 25 | White Call Duck | C | Monk’s Poultry | 4 | |
IWBA Western National All Waterfowl Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1123 | Pastel Call Duck | K | Monk’s Poultry | 11 | |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 28 | Pastel Call Duck | C | Monk’s Poultry | 9 | |
The Sweetheart Show | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 28 | Pastel Call Duck | C | Monk’s Poultry | 4 | |
Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 78 | Pastel Call Duck | K | Monk’s Poultry | 7 | |
Tucson Poultry Pigeon and Fancy Fowl Club Winter Show | 11/23/2019 | State | Show Champion | 663 | White Call Duck | C | Monk’s Poultry | 16 | |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 342 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Paul | Monteith | 8 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 61 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Paul | Monteith | 2 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 249 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Paul | Monteith | 16 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Champion Large Fowl | 168 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Paul | Monteith | 17 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #1 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 76 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | H | Alicia | Montemayor | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 1 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 20 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Alicia | Montemayor | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 2 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 315 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Alicia | Montemayor | 9 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo Show 3 | 5/4/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 20 | Black Australorp Large Fowl | K | Alicia | Montemayor | 1 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 5 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Janis | Montgomery | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 5 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Janis | Montgomery | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 5 | Narragansett Turkey | C | Janis | Montgomery | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 5 | Narragansett Turkey | C | Janis | Montgomery | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 4 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Janis | Montgomery | 1 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 4 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Janis | Montgomery | 2 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Turkey | 5 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Janis | Montgomery | 1 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 3 | Buckeye Bantam | Janis | Montgomery | 1 | |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 33 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | H | Brenna | Mooney | 7 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion AOSB | 44 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Jackson | Moore | 10 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOSB | 44 | Blue Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Jackson | Moore | 5 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Champion Medium Goose | 10 | Buff American Goose | K | Jackson | Moore | 10 |
Arkansas State Fair | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 10 | Buff American Goose | H | Jackson | Moore | 5 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 70 | White Marans Large Fowl | P | Harvey | Moore | 6 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 26 | Ancona Large Fowl | P | Moore Farms | 5 | |
Citrus Classic Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 39 | White Call Duck | K | LeRoy | Morey | 9 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 155 | White Call Duck | C | LeRoy | Morey | 9 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 78 | White Call Duck | K | LeRoy | Morey | 2 |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 34 | White Call Duck | C | LeRoy | Morey | 9 |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 34 | White Call Duck | C | LeRoy | Morey | 7 |
Just Peachy Classic Green Card | 1/12/2019 | District | Champion Waterfowl | 35 | White Call Duck | C | LeRoy | Morey | 19 |
Just Peachy Classic Peach Card | 1/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 35 | White Call Duck | C | LeRoy | Morey | 7 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 155 | White Call Duck | C | LeRoy | Morey | 9 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 78 | White Call Duck | K | LeRoy | Morey | 2 |
Central Maine Bird Fanciers Fall Show | 10/6/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 136 | Non Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | Cathryn | Morreale | 5 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 76 | NB White Silkie Bantam | H | Cathryn | Morreale | 2 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 171 | Bearded Black Silkie Bantam | h | Cathryn | Morreale | 2 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 95 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | Cathryn | Morreale | 2 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 95 | NB White Silkie Bantam | P | Cathryn | Morreale | 5 |
New England Bantam Fall Show | 11/17/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 551 | Non Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | Cathryn | Morreale | 9 |
New England Bantam Spring Show | 5/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 71 | Bearded White Silkie Bantam | H | Cathryn | Morreale | 2 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 360 | Non Bearded Black Silkie Bantam | P | Cathryn | Morreale | 7 |
Backwoods Benefit Poultry Show | 3/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 308 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Shane | Morris | 11 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 587 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Shane | Morris | 11 |
North Louisiana Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Old English | 176 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Shane | Morris | 7 |
Red Stick Poultry Show Yellow Card | 11/9/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 622 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Shane | Morris | 11 |
South Central Classic Show 1 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 328 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Shane | Morris | 11 |
South Central Classic Show 2 | 4/6/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 328 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Shane | Morris | 11 |
South Mississippi Standard Orange Card | 11/17/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 476 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Shane | Morris | 11 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Champion Bantam | 368 | BB Red Old English Bantam | K | Shane | Morris | 12 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1021 | BB Red Old English Bantam | C | Shane | Morris | 11 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Show Champion | 473 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Nick | Moss | 16 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds Poultry Show at K-Days 2019 | 7/20/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 22 | White Pekin Duck | H | Mountain View Ranches | 9 | |
Canadian Heritage Breeds Stony Plain Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 60 | White Pekin Duck | P | Mountain View Ranches | 7 | |
Millarville Fair Poultry Show | 8/14/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 13 | Black Cayuga Duck | C | Mountain View Ranches | 4 | |
Millarville Fair Poultry Show | 8/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 18 | Buff Brahma Bantam | C | Mountain View Ranches | 3 | |
Millarville Fair Poultry Show | 8/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 46 | Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantam | H | Mountain View Ranches | 9 | |
North Central Alberta Poultry Association | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 85 | White Pekin Duck | K | Mountain View Ranches | 5 | |
North Central Alberta Poultry Association | 2/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 18 | White Pekin Duck | P | Mountain View Ranches | 3 | |
Peavy Mart Alberta Provincial Poultry and Pigeon | 1/19/2019 | Provincial | Champion Waterfowl | 60 | White Pekin Duck | K | Mountain View Ranches | 14 | |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Goose | 19 | Brown Egyptian Goose | P | Kim | Munden | 2 |
Canadian Heritage Breeds – Canadian National | 11/2/2019 | Canadian Annual | Reserve Champion AOSB | 28 | Black Naked Neck Large Fowl | K | Liz | Munro | 12 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 499 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Dennis | Myers | 6 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 244 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Dennis | Myers | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 11 | Black Cochin Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 950 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Dennis | Myers | 6 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 11 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 1 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 11 | Black Cochin Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 1 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 134 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Dennis | Myers | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 11 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 284 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Dennis | Myers | 6 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 11 | Black Cochin Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 254 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Dennis | Myers | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 11 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 1 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 11 | Black Cochin Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 1 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 134 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | P | Dennis | Myers | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 11 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 2 | |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1165 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Dennis | Myers | 11 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 16 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | Dennis | Myers | 2 | |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 800 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | K | Dennis | Myers | 6 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 800 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | K | Dennis | Myers | 6 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 378 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Dennis | Myers | 12 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Show Champion | 1493 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | K | Dennis | Myers | 18 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 15 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | Dennis | Myers | 1 | |
Central Main Bird Fanciers Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 376 | Barred Plymouth Rock Large Fowl | K | Erik | Nelsen | 5 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl Trio | 18 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | OT | Don | Nelson | 5 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 95 | Gray Mallard Duck | C | Katelynn | Ness | 7 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 47 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Steve | Neumann | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show Orange Card | 10/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 36 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | K | Steve | Neumann | 2 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Champion AOSB | 47 | Blue Ameraucana Large Fowl | K | Steve | Neumann | 10 |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Goose | 148 | American Buff Goose | H | Neumann Poultry | 16 | |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion AOSB | 43 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Neumann Poultry | 15 | |
Nebraska State Poultry Show | 11/23/2019 | District | Champion Heavy Duck | 124 | Rouen Duck | H | Neumann Poultry | 15 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 31 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Tammy | Newlin | 10 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion American | 67 | Dominique Large Fowl | K | Tammy | Newlin | 5 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 31 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Tammy | Newlin | 5 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 31 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Tammy | Newlin | 2 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1278 | Dominique Large Fowl | K | Tammy | Newlin | 9 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 59 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | P | Tammy | Newlin | 2 |
Marion County Fair | 6/22/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 47 | Dominique Large Fowl | H | Tammy | Newlin | 6 |
Redvers Bird Show | 11/9/2019 | Provincial | Show Champion | 132 | Narragansett Turkey | C | Allison | Nielsen | 14 |
Redvers Bird Show | 11/9/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Turkey | 4 | Narragansett Turkey | C | Allison | Nielsen | 1 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 43 | Black Shamo Large Fowl | H | Samuel | Nieves | 2 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 43 | Wheaten Malay Large Fowl | H | Samuel | Nieves | 5 |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOSB | 28 | Black Shamo Large Fowl | H | Samuel | Nieves | 5 |
New England Bantam Spring Show | 5/5/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 29 | BB Red Malay Large Fowl | C | Samuel | Nieves | 5 |
Cowichan Community 4-H Club | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 52 | Black Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Mary | Noakes | 2 |
Cowichan Community 4-H Club | 4/27/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 25 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Mary | Noakes | 5 |
Cowichan Community 4-H Club | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 25 | Welsummer Large Fowl | H | Mary | Noakes | 2 |
Clark County Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 72 | Brown African Goose | C | Kevin | Noorlander | 5 |
Clark County Fair | 8/8/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 66 | Gray Rouen Duck | H | Kevin | Noorlander | 6 |
Washington Feather Fanciers Winter Brisk | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 24 | Brown African Goose | C | Kevin | Noorlander | 6 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Champion Featherleg | 77 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Ethan | Nuzum | 25 |
Kansas State Fair | 9/7/2019 | State | Reserve Champion English | 41 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | Ethan | Nuzum | 5 |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 51 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | P | Ethan | Nuzum | 2 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 3 | Pearl Guinea | H | Greg | Oakes | 1 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Acton Fall Fair Poultry Show | 9/21/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Royal Palm Turkey | H | Greg | Oakes | 1 |
Ancaster Fair | 8/20/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 224 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | C | Greg | Oakes | 7 |
Ancaster Fair | 8/20/2019 | Club | Champion Landfowl | 224 | White Orpington Large Fowl | C | Greg | Oakes | 9 |
Brant County Poultry Spring Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 1 | Bronze Turkey | P | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Brant County Poultry Spring Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 22 | Gray Saddleback Pomeranian Goose | C | Greg | Oakes | 1 |
Brant County Poultry Spring Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 1 | Pearl Guinea | Greg | Oakes | 2 | |
Clinton Spring Fair | 6/1/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 28 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | H | Greg | Oakes | 7 |
Clinton Spring Fair | 6/1/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 17 | Gray Saddle Back Pomeranian Goose | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Clinton Spring Fair | 6/1/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 28 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | H | Greg | Oakes | 6 |
Clinton Spring Fair | 6/1/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 8 | Pearl Guinea | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 186 | Black Cayuga Duck | C | Curtis | Oakes | 8 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 150 | Blue Fawn Call Duck | H | Curtis | Oakes | 6 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 682 | Brown China Goose | C | Curtis | Oakes | 11 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 36 | Buff American Goose | K | Curtis | Oakes | 6 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Champion Heavy Duck | 25 | Gray Rouen Duck | C | Curtis | Oakes | 5 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 25 | Gray Rouen Duck | H | Curtis | Oakes | 2 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 46 | Khaki Campbell Duck | H | Curtis | Oakes | 5 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 46 | Penciled Runner Duck | C | Curtis | Oakes | 2 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 67 | RC Silver Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Curtis | Oakes | 2 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 89 | RC White Leghorn Bantam | K | Curtis | Oakes | 5 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 682 | SC Buff Leghorn Large Fowl | H | Curtis | Oakes | 10 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 103 | SC Silver Leghorn Bantam | H | Curtis | Oakes | 5 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam Duck | 54 | White Call Duck | H | Curtis | Oakes | 2 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 25 | White Crested Duck | C | Curtis | Oakes | 2 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 10 | White Guinea | H | Curtis | Oakes | 5 |
Crawford County Fair | 8/18/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 10 | White Guinea | K | Curtis | Oakes | 2 |
Expo Ormstown Poultry Show | 6/8/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Duck | 25 | Black Cayuga Duck | H | Elana | Oakes | 1 |
Expo Ormstown Poultry Show | 6/8/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion American | 48 | Black Jersey Giant Large Fowl | C | Greg | Oakes | 5 |
Expo Ormstown Poultry Show | 6/8/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 37 | Gray Saddleback Pomeranian Goose | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Expo Ormstown Poultry Show | 6/8/2019 | Provincial | Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Expo Ormstown Poultry Show | 6/8/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | C | Greg | Oakes | 1 |
Georgian Classic | 6/15/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 2 | Bronze Turkey | H | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Georgian Classic | 6/15/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 58 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | P | Greg | Oakes | 7 |
Georgian Classic | 6/15/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 58 | White Orpington Large Fowl | C | Greg | Oakes | 6 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Duck | 14 | Black Cayuga Duck | P | Elana | Oakes | 1 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 1 | Pearl Guinea | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 12 | Saddleback Pomeranian Goose | H | Greg | Oakes | 6 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 4 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 30 | Silver Phoenix Large Fowl | H | Elana | Oakes | 11 |
Kingston and District Poultry and Pet Stock Association Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Provincial | Champion Turkey | 1 | Bronze Turkey | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Champion Medium Duck | 32 | Black Cayuga Duck | H | Elana | Oakes | 15 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 32 | Black Cayuga Duck | P | Elana | Oakes | 7 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 37 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | K | Greg | Oakes | 7 |
Paris Fair – Brant Country Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock | 8/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 308 | Black Cayuga Duck | C | Elana | Oakes | 10 |
Paris Fair – Brant Country Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock | 8/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 70 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | K | Greg | Oakes | 6 |
Paris Fair – Brant Country Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock | 8/30/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 70 | White Orpington Large Fowl | C | Greg | Oakes | 7 |
Rockton World’s Fair Poultry Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 370 | Black Cayuga Duck | K | Elana | Oakes | 11 |
Rockton World’s Fair Poultry Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Duck | 33 | Black Cayuga Duck | P | Elana | Oakes | 2 |
Rockton World’s Fair Poultry Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 11 | Bronze Turkey | C | Greg | Oakes | 6 |
Rockton World’s Fair Poultry Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 46 | Gray Saddleback Pomeranian Goose | C | Greg | Oakes | 6 |
Rockton World’s Fair Poultry Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 68 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | C | Greg | Oakes | 6 |
Rockton World’s Fair Poultry Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Rockton World’s Fair Poultry Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Greg | Oakes | 1 |
Rockton World’s Fair Poultry Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 370 | White Orpington Large Fowl | C | Greg | Oakes | 10 |
Sarnia Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assoc. | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 7 | Bronze Turkey | C | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Sarnia Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assoc. | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 1 | Gray Saddleback Pomeranian Goose | H | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Sarnia Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assoc. | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 55 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | C | Greg | Oakes | 6 |
Sarnia Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assoc. | 12/14/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Greg | Oakes | 2 |
Sarnia Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assoc. | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | K | Greg | Oakes | 1 |
Sarnia Poultry, Pigeon and Pet Stock Assoc. | 12/14/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 170 | White Orpington Large Fowl | P | Greg | Oakes | 9 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Champion Goose | 95 | Brown China Goose | H | Curtis | Oakes | 17 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Light Duck | 109 | Khaki Campbell Duck | P | Curtis | Oakes | 7 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 53 | Black Langshan Large Fowl | K | Joe | Oakley | 2 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 49 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | K | Old School Poultry | 2 | |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 264 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | K | Omega Blue Farms | 11 | |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 50 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Omega Blue Farms | 2 | |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 78 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Omega Blue Farms | 9 | |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Bronze Turkey | K | Omega Blue Farms | 2 | |
Cowichan Valley Feather Fanciers | 11/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Bronze Turkey | H | Omega Blue Farms | 1 | |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 44 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | C | Elias | Orfanides | 5 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 53 | White Call Duck | C | Tanner | Orfanides | 7 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 46 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | K | Elias | Orfanides | 2 |
Yankee Fall Classic | 10/13/2019 | Club | Champion AOSB | 36 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | K | Elias | Orfanides | 5 |
Yankee Fall Classic | 10/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 55 | Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam | H | Gabrielle | Orfanides | 2 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 9 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 9 | Bourbon Red Turkey | H | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 4 | Bourbon Red Turkey | P | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 4 | Bourbon Red Turkey | P | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Connecticut Poultry Breeders Society | 6/9/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 61 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | K | Mark | Orlowski | 7 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 4 | Brown African Goose | C | Mark | Orlowski | 4 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 2 | Royal Palm Turkey | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Eastern New York State Poultry Show | 9/29/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 2 | Royal Palm Turkey | P | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Bourbon Red Turkey | P | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 51 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Mark | Orlowski | 5 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 51 | White Wyandotte Bantam | P | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Finger Lakes Feather Club Spring Show | 6/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 100 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | Mark | Orlowski | 6 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Champion Turkey | 4 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 379 | African Goose | C | Mark | Orlowski | 13 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | H | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 2 | Pearl Guinea | C | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Champion American | 177 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | Mark | Orlowski | 10 |
Northern NY Poultry Fanciers | 9/15/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | H | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Champion Guinea | 12 | Pearl Guinea | C | Mark | Orlowski | 15 |
Yankee Fall Classic | 10/13/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Mark | Orlowski | 2 |
Yankee Fall Classic | 10/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 3 | Bourbon Red Turkey | H | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Yankee Fall Classic | 10/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 4 | Pearl Guinea | K | Mark | Orlowski | 1 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1491 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Danny and Norma | Padgett | 11 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Champion Waterfowl | 445 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Danny and Norma | Padgett | 19 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 94 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Danny and Norma | Padgett | 7 |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Champion Waterfowl | 52 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 14 | |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 52 | Blue Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 7 | |
Chattahoochee Valley Poultry Association Winter Show | 2/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 299 | Dark Brahma Large Fowl | C | Padgett-Neff Farm | 11 | |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Show Champion | 427 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 15 | |
Citrus Classic White Show | 10/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 39 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 7 | |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 34 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 7 | |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 27 | Dark Brahma Large Fowl | C | Padgett-Neff Farm | 5 | |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 27 | Dark Brahma Large Fowl | C | Padgett-Neff Farm | 2 | |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 34 | Blue Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 9 | |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 27 | Dark Brahma Large Fowl | C | Padgett-Neff Farm | 5 | |
Florida Sunshine Classic White Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 27 | Dark Brahma Large Fowl | C | Padgett-Neff Farm | 2 | |
Orange Blossom Special Blue Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 317 | Black Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 11 | |
Orange Blossom Special Blue Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 13 | Blue Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 2 | |
Orange Blossom Special White Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 317 | Blue Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 10 | |
Orange Blossom Special White Card Show | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 13 | Blue Muscovy Duck | H | Padgett-Neff Farm | 2 | |
Norfolk Fall Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 73 | BB Red Malay Large Fowl | H | Travis | Palen | 6 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | P | Patriot Poultry | 2 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | K | Patriot Poultry | 2 | |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | P | Patriot Poultry | 1 | |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 4 | Narragansett Turkey | C | Patriot Poultry | 2 | |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Patriot Poultry | 2 | |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 4 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Patriot Poultry | 2 | |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 4 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Patriot Poultry | 1 | |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 4 | Narragansett Turkey | C | Patriot Poultry | 1 | |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Guinea | 13 | Pearl Guinea | C | Patriot Poultry | 2 | |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 3 | Bourbon Red Turkey | C | Patriot Poultry | 2 | |
Canadian Valley Poultry Club Fall Show – Mega Show | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion Guinea | 6 | Pearl Guinea | C | Patriot Poultry | 2 | |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 753 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | K | Jonathan | Patterson | 11 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 139 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Ron | Patterson | 2 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Champion Asiatic | 33 | Buff Cochin Large Fowl | P | Jonathan | Patterson | 5 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 44 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | H | Jonathan | Patterson | 2 |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1491 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | William | Patterson | 10 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1141 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | H | Jonathan | Patterson | 9 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 100 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | H | William | Patterson | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1141 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | H | Jonathan | Patterson | 10 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 72 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | H | Jonathan | Patterson | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Landfowl | 303 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | William | Patterson | 8 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 222 | Buff Brahma Bantam | H | Jonathan | Patterson | 5 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 222 | Buff Brahma Bantam | C | Jonathan | Patterson | 2 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Champion English | 100 | Speckled Sussex Large Fowl | H | Jonathan | Patterson | 5 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1967 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | K | Jonathan | Patterson | 9 |
Indiana State Fair | 8/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 779 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | Jonathan | Patterson | 3 |
Marion County Fair | 6/22/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 203 | White Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Jonathan | Patterson | 9 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 84 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | William | Patterson | 5 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers Green Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 84 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | K | William | Patterson | 2 |
Michigan Poultry Fanciers White Card | 10/12/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 84 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | P | William | Patterson | 5 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Grand Champion Trio | 96 | Black Rosecomb Bantam | YT | William | Patterson | 12 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 168 | White Wyandotte Large Fowl | P | Jonathan | Patterson | 16 |
White River Poultry Club | 4/13/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 182 | Light Brahma Bantam | P | Ron | Patterson | 2 |
White River Poultry Club | 4/13/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 731 | Silver Laced Wyandotte Large Fowl | K | Ron | Patterson | 11 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Bantam Trio | 63 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | YT | David | Pauls | 5 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Champion RCCL | 114 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | David | Pauls | 15 |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Champion RCCL | 145 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | David | Pauls | 15 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 1 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 80 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | H | Linda | Peavy | 7 |
Friendship Poultry Club Fall Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 32 | Wheaten Marans Large Fowl | K | Karen | Perry | 7 |
State Fair of Texas | 10/19/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 58 | Bearded Silkie | P | William | Peskey | 5 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 79 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | Mark | Peterson | 5 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 273 | Black Cochin Bantam | K | Mark | Peterson | 6 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 75 | Black Cochin Bantam | H | Mark | Peterson | 2 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 1212 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Mark | Peterson | 11 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Grand Champion Trio | 40 | Black Cochin Bantam | Mark | Peterson | 12 | |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 68 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | P | Mark | Peterson | 2 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Grand Champion Trio | 40 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | Mark | Peterson | 11 | |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 138 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | P | Mark | Peterson | 12 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 48 | Light Brahma Large Fowl | C | Mark | Peterson | 2 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Yellow Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 12 | Brown China Goose | K | Trevor | Phillips | 6 |
Green Mountain Poultry Show | 5/11/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 57 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | K | Carrie | Phimvongsa | 11 |
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers | 5/19/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 58 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | K | Carrie | Phimvongsa | 6 |
Northeastern Poultry Congress | 1/19/2019 | State | Champion AOSB | 95 | BB Red Cubalaya Large Fowl | K | Carrie | Phimvongsa | 10 |
South Mississippi Standard State Meet | 11/17/2019 | State | Champion Modern | 53 | Birchen Modern Bantam | P | Rachel | Potter | 10 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 16 | Pilgrim Goose | H | Brandi | Powell | 6 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 32 | Pilgrim Goose | C | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 6 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club Blue Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Goose | 23 | Pilgrim Goose | C | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 5 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card | 4/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 15 | Pilgrim Goose | H | Brandi | Powell | 2 |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 23 | Pilgrim Goose | C | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Goose | 15 | Pilgrim Goose | H | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 5 |
Moon City Poultry Show #1 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 14 | Pilgrim Goose | C | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 2 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Champion Medium Goose | 15 | Pilgrim Goose | H | Brandi | Powell | 5 |
Moon City Poultry Show #2 | 5/11/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 14 | Pilgrim Goose | C | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 2 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion Medium Goose | 137 | Pilgrim Goose | C | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 12 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 117 | Black Sumatra Large Fowl | H | Brandi | Powell | 2 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 359 | Silver Laced Wyandotte Large Fowl | H | Brandi | Powell | 2 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Champion English | 137 | Buff Orpington Large Fowl | H | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 5 |
Ohio State Fair | 7/24/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 137 | Silver Gray Dorking Large Fowl | H | Jerry and Elizabeth | Powell | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #2 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 76 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | P | Todd | Price | 2 |
Comanche Crossroads 4 Show Expo #4 | 2/9/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion RCCL | 76 | Quail d’Anver Bantam | H | Todd | Price | 2 |
Klein Poultry Extravaganza 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 80 | Black Muscovy Duck | C | Todd | Price | 7 |
New Brunswick Purebreed Poultry Association | 9/2/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 461 | White Runner Duck | K | Michelle | Primeau | 11 |
New Brunswick Purebreed Poultry Association | 9/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 118 | White Runner Duck | P | Michelle | Primeau | 4 |
Little Rhody Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 56 | Salmon Faverolle Frizzle Bantam | P | Sandra | Provost | 5 |
Appalachian Classic Show 2 | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Duck | 27 | White Pekin Duck | H | Quacky Acres | 2 | |
Central Indiana Poultry Show | 10/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Heavy Goose | 33 | Gray Toulouse Goose | H | Quacky Acres | 2 | |
Dayton Fancy Feather Club White Card Show | 10/5/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 39 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | Quacky Acres | 7 | |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Champion Goose | 10 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | Quacky Acres | 12 | |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 42 | Butterscotch Call Duck | H | Quacky Acres | 9 | |
Southeast Ohio Poultry Breeders Association | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 7 | Gray Toulouse Goose | K | Quacky Acres | 2 | |
Twin Tier Poultry Club | 9/7/2019 | District | Grand Champion Trio | 15 | White Pekin Duck | Quacky Acres | 2 | ||
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Champion SCCL | 56 | SC White Leghorn Bantam | H | Adrian | Rademacher | 10 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Champion American | 43 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | H | Adrian | Rademacher | 5 |
Minnesota State Fair | 8/27/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 43 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | P | Adrian | Rademacher | 2 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 25 | SC Black Minorca Large Fowl | P | Adrian | Rademacher | 5 |
Minnesota State Poultry Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion American | 53 | SC Rhode Island Red Large Fowl | K | Adrian | Rademacher | 2 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 37 | SC Black Minorca Large Fowl | P | Adrian | Rademacher | 5 |
The New Ulm Show | 9/14/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 624 | SC Rhode Island Red Bantam | C | Adrian | Rademacher | 11 |
Wisconsin International Poultry | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Mediterranean | 40 | Black Minorca Large Fowl | P | Adrian | Rademacher | 5 |
New York State Fair | 8/21/2019 | Club | Champion Light Duck | 20 | Khaki Campbell Duck | C | Melissa | Reale | 5 |
Big Dipper Classic | 8/25/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 36 | Mille Fleur d’Uccle Bantam | H | Joshua | Ream | 3 |
Appalachian Classic Show 1 | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserv Champion English | 28 | Speckled Sussex Large Fowl | P | Walt | Reichert | 5 |
Dixie Classic 2019 | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 42 | Speckled Sussex Large Fowl | P | Walt | Reichert | 2 |
Red Hill Bantam Club | 11/30/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 108 | Columbian Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Walt | Reichert | 5 |
Red Hill Bantam Club | 11/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 53 | Speckled Sussex Large Fowl | P | Walt | Reichert | 6 |
Tennessee Valley Poultry Club | 12/7/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion English | 42 | Speckled Sussex Large Fowl | K | Walt | Reichert | 2 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Green Show | 11/16/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 18 | White Embden Goose | P | Marilyn | Reid | 6 |
Colorado Poultry Assocation Fall Tan Show | 11/16/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 18 | White Embden Goose | C | Marilyn | Reid | 6 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOSB | 31 | Buff Ameraucana Large Fowl | H | Linda | Reilly | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 41 | NB White Crested Black Polish Large Fowl | H | Linda | Reilly | 10 |
PA Farm Show – South Mountain Fair | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 383 | Black Muscovy Duck | K | Andrew | Rheam | 10 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Champion SCCL | 60 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | P | Robert H. | Rhodes | 5 |
Caddo River Classic | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion SCCL | 60 | SC Rhode Island Red Banam | P | Robert H. | Rhodes | 2 |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #1 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion Large Fowl | 52 | SC White Leghorn Large Fowl | P | Bridget | Riddle | 7 |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #1 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 52 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | K | Bridget | Riddle | 6 |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #2 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 113 | SC Dark Brown Leghorn Bantam | P | Bridget | Riddle | 3 |
Big Sky Poultry Expo Show #2 | 9/28/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 52 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | K | Bridget | Riddle | 6 |
Gold Coast Poultry Fanciers | 1/12/2019 | District | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 49 | Black Minorca Large Fowl | P | Bridget | Riddle | 7 |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion RCCL | 86 | WF Black Spanish Bantam | K | Bridget | Riddle | 5 |
Stevenson Poultry Classic | 10/18/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Mediterranean | 25 | WF Black Spanish Large Fowl | K | Bridget | Riddle | 5 |
Utah Fancy Poultry Fall Show White Card | 10/11/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 36 | Silver Spangled Hamburg Large Fowl | K | Bridget | Riddle | 10 |
Brant County Poultry Spring Show | 4/6/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 30 | Black East Indie Duck | H | Robert | Ridler | 7 |
Elgin Middlesex Spring Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Champion Waterfowl | 17 | White Runner Duck | P | Robert | Ridler | 9 |
Great Lakes Ilderton Fall Fair | 9/28/2019 | Club | Champion RCCL | 51 | Golden Sebright Bantam | H | Robert | Ridler | 5 |
Florida Sunshine Classic Blue Card | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion AOSB | 46 | BB Red Phoenix Large Fowl | K | Toni | Rivers | 2 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Turkey | 13 | Black Turkey | C | Christopher | Rob | 3 |
Lebanon Valley Poultry Fanciers Fall Show | 10/12/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Goose | 30 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | Christopher | Rob | 6 |
Ohio National | 11/9/2019 | Annual | Reserve Champion American | 371 | Black Jersey Giant Large Fowl | H | April | Rob | 12 |
PA Farm Show – South Mountain Fair | 1/5/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 58 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Christpher | Rob | 2 |
PA Farm Show – South Mountain Fair | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 25 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | Christpher | Rob | 7 |
Uniontown Poultry Association Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | Club | Champion Featherleg | 132 | Black Cochin Bantam | C | Christopher | Rob | 5 |
Uniontown Poultry Association Fall Show | 10/20/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 7 | Black Turkey | C | Christopher | Rob | 2 |
York County Poultry Fanciers Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 52 | Black Cochin Bantam | C | Christopher | Rob | 2 |
York County Poultry Fanciers Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Turkey | 7 | Black Turkey | C | Christopher | Rob | 2 |
York County Poultry Fanciers Association | 10/26/2019 | Club | Champion Goose | 16 | Gray Toulouse Goose | C | Christopher | Rob | 7 |
Camp Creek Poultry Show | 3/16/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 60 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Bill | Robbins | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Saturday Show | 5/26/2019 | State | Reserve Champion AOCCL | 85 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Bill | Robbins | 5 |
Saulk Trail Poultry Show – Sunday Show | 5/26/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 62 | Dark Cornish Bantam | H | Bill | Robbins | 5 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Champion AOSB | 43 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | K | Elena | Roberts | 15 |
Ontario Poultry Breeders | 10/19/2019 | District | Reserve Champion AOSB | 43 | Black Ameraucana Large Fowl | P | Elena | Roberts | 7 |
Bluebonnet Classic | 1/5/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 40 | Wheaten Marans Large Fowl | P | Beverly | Robertson | 5 |
Fancy Featahers 4-H Club | 3/9/2019 | State | Champion Continental | 25 | Wheaten Marans large Fowl | P | Beverly | Robertson | 10 |
Missouri State Poultry Association Blue Show | 10/26/2019 | Club | Reserve Show Champion | 1215 | Black Wyandotte Bantam | K | Julie | Robertson | 8 |
North Texas Poultry Showcase | 3/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Continental | 30 | Black Copper Marans Large Fowl | H | Beverly | Robertson | 2 |
Redvers Bird Show | 11/9/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Waterfowl | 43 | Black East Indie Duck | H | Jack | Robertson | 3 |
Redvers Bird Show | 11/9/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Champion Bantam | 22 | Silver Laced Wyandotte Bantam | C | Jack | Robertson | 11 |
Redvers Bird Show | 11/9/2019 | Provincial | Reserve Show Champion | 132 | White Call Duck | H | Jack | Robertson | 15 |
Southwestern Exposition and Junior Livestock Show | 1/19/2019 | Club | Champion Continental | 43 | Wheaten Marans Large Fowl | P | Beverly | Robertson | 5 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Goose | 33 | Brown African Goose | C | Josh | Robus | 11 |
Coulee Region Poultry Club | 6/1/2019 | State | Reserve Champion Guinea | 20 | Pearl Guinea | C | Josh | Robus | 5 |
Kansas Classic | 4/13/2019 | Semi-Annual | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 77 | Black Cochin Bantam | C | Rock Hill Poultry | 12 | |
Tulsa State Fair | 9/28/2019 | State | Reserve Champion SCCL | 83 | Barred Plymouth Rock Bantam | P | Rock Hill Poultry | 5 | |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Bantam | 622 | Black Cochin Bantam | C | Tom | Roebuck | 2 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Large Fowl | 204 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | H | Tom | Roebuck | 6 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 33 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Tom | Roebuck | 2 |
Boston Poultry Exposition | 11/2/2019 | Club | Champion AOCCL | 82 | White Cornish Bantam | H | Tom | Roebuck | 5 |
Cape Fear Poultry Assocation | 2/23/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 647 | Black Cochin Bantam | C | Tom | Roebuck | 11 |
Cape Fear Poultry Assocation | 2/23/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Asiatic | 27 | Black Cochin Large Fowl | P | Tom | Roebuck | 2 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 150 | White Cochin Bantam | H | Tom | Roebuck | 2 |
Delmarva Poultry Fanciers Show | 3/30/2019 | Club | Show Champion | 773 | White Cornish Bantam | Tom | Roebuck | 11 | |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 11/30/2019 | Club | Reserve Champion Featherleg | 120 | Black Cochin Bantam | P | Tom | Roebuck | 2 |
Forsyth Fowl Fanciers Association | 11/30/2019 | Club |