
Associate/Club Memberships

Below is a listing of organizations that have requested being listed on this page. Any changes or updates may be sent to the Webmaster from the link on the Contact Page.

If you would like to add your club to the list, please click here for more information on joining or renewing your clubs membership.

Alberta Poultry Breeders AssociationWebsiteFacebook
Ameraucana AllianceWebsiteFacebook
Ameraucana Breeders ClubWebsiteFacebook
American Brown Leghorn ClubWebsiteFacebook
American Buckeye ClubWebsiteFacebook
American Buckeye Poultry ClubWebsiteFacebook
American Buttercup ClubWebsite
American Langshan ClubWebsite
American Large Fowl AssociationWebsite
American Serama AssociationWebsiteFacebook
American Silkie Bantam ClubWebsiteFacebook
American Sumatra AssociationWebsiteFacebook
American Sussex AssociationWebsiteFacebook
Araucana Breeders & Exhibitors ClubWebsiteFacebook
Araucana Club of AmericanWebsiteFacebook
Barnevelder Club of North AmericaWebsite
Belgian Bearded D’AnverWebsite
Belgian D’Uccle & Booted Bantam ClubWebsite
Brahma Club de Costa RicaWebsiteFacebook
Central Florida Poultry Breeders AssocWebsiteFacebook
Chantecler Fanciers InternationalWebsiteFacebook
Cochins InternationalWebsiteFacebook
Colorado Poultry AssociationWebsiteFacebook
Columbian Wyandotte Group Facebook
Cream Legbar ClubWebsiteFacebook
Dayton Fancy Feather ClubWebsiteFacebook
Dominique Club of AmericaWebsiteFacebook
Dorking Breeders ClubWebsite
Faverolles ClubWebsiteFacebook
Guinea Fowl InternationalWebsiteFacebook
Il-MO Poultry Club Facebook
International Cornish BreedersWebsite
International Waterfowl BreedersWebsite
Lebanon Valley Poultry FanciersWebsite
Little Rhody Poultry Fanciers ClubWebsiteFacebook
Java Breeders of AmericaWebsiteFacebook
National Jersey Giant ClubWebsite
Marans Club  (The)WebsiteFacebook
Marans Chicken Club USAWebsiteFacebook
Mediterranean Breeders Association Facebook
Minorca ClubWebsite
Modern Game Bantam ClubWebsite
National Call Breeders of AmericaWebsite
National Jersey Giant ClubWebsiteFacebook
New England Bantam ClubWebsiteFacebook
National Sebastopol Geese AssociationWebsiteFacebook
New Hampshire Poultry FanciersWebsite
North American Hamburg Club of AmericanWebsite
NorCal Poultry AssociationWebsite
Oklahoma State Poultry FederationWebsiteFacebook
Old English Game Bantam ClubWebsiteFacebook
Old Engllish Game Bantam Club NationalWebsiteFacebook
Old English Game Club of AmericaWebsiteFacebook
Pikes Peak Regional PoultryWebsite
Plymouth Rock Fanciers ClubWebsite
Rhode Island Red Club of AmericaWebsiteFacebook
Rosecomb Bantam FederationWebsite
Rosecomb Rhode Island White Club Facebook
Russian Orloff Society of US & CanadaWebsiteFacebook
Tennessee Valley Poultry ClubWebsiteFacebook
Texas Independent Flock Owners Association (TXIFOA)WebsiteFacebook
Salk Trail Poultry ClubWebsiteFacebook
Southeastern Serama Poultry ClubWebsite
Southern Ohio Poultry AssociationWebsiteFacebook
United Orpington ClubWebsite
Virginia Poultry Breeders AssociationWebsiteFacebook
Virginia Spring Classic, Berry Fresh FarmFacebook
Welsummer Club of North AmericaWebsiteFacebook
Wyandotte Breeders of America Facebook