Poultry Breeds

Mallard Ducks
This article on Mallard Ducks is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. As most of my readers undoubtedly already know, every breed of domestic

Dark Cornish Bantams and Me
I didn’t start out with Dark Cornish bantams when I got into poultry, I was a purely waterfowl person starting with Australian Spotted ducks and eventually moved into Black and

Embden Leg Color
This article on the Embden leg color is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. Time after time over the past few years, I and

The Silver Appleyard Duck
This brief article provides a summary about the Silver Appleyard duck covering topics such as the breed’s history, the confirmation and colour description, typical uses and some fun facts. It

The Toulouse Goose
This article on the Toulouse Goose is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. The massive breed of domestic goose known as the Toulouse was

Rhode Island Red Chicken with Don Nelson
There are so many different breeds of chicken to consider when trying to decide what breed you would like to start working with or have around the farm. You might