Raising Poultry

Adding New Blood: When and How
This article is on when and how to add new blood to a breeding program and is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. A carefully

Egg Production in Breeding Stock
This article is on egg production in your breeding stock and is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. When I began my breeding program in

Inheritable Temperament
This article is about how temperament is an inheritable characteristic, and is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. I believe that temperament is an inheritable characteristic.

Breeds or varieties: Should you raise more?
This article is about if you should raise more breeds or varieties or not, and is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. It is

Small vs. Flock Matings
This article is discussing small vs. flock matings and is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. I have found over time that small matings

Pay Attention to the Details!
This article is a reminder to pay attention to the details, and is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. This item has more to