Poultry Breeds

The Black Minorca
The Black Minorca originated on the island of Minorca in the Mediterranean region where they were kept for production of large, chalk white eggs as well as for their meat.

Rhode Island Whites: Origin, utility qualities and breeding
This article on Rhode Island Whites is based on a publishing by Frank Platt in the 1921 American Poultry Journal Origin There is only one variety of Rhode Island Whites

The Minorcas- Mediterranean’s Gift!
White Minorcas were admitted to the American Standard of Perfection in 1888. In reality, they are a far older breed than the Barred Plymouth Rocks or any other American breed

Modern Game Bantams for the JR Exhibitor
When choosing a bird for a junior project, one of the breeds that always seems to surface to the top is Modern Game Bantams. Generally speaking, they are a healthy

Shank Color of Wheaten Ameraucana Varieties
Many times a year, I see posts and questions about the shank color of wheaten, blue wheaten, and splash wheaten Ameraucanas. Posts like: “Why do my day old wheaten and

Splash Ameraucana Large Fowl Approval Process
The ABC (Ameraucana Breeders Club) is currently completing a color variety approval process with the American Poultry Association on the large fowl splash ameraucana. The first pre-qualifying meet was held