Poultry Breeds

Black Minorcas by Richard Schock
Minorca’s originated on the island of Minorca in the Mediterranean region where they were kept for production of large, chalk white eggs as well as for their meat. Weighing

Kansas turkey breeder aims to protect rare breeds
By Sheridan Wimmer, courtesy Kansas Living magazine https://kansaslivingmagazine.com/articles/2023/11/20/kansas-turkey-breeder-aims-to-protect-rare-breeds Reese’s ‘fringe flocks’ in Kansas nurture heritage turkeys For Frank Reese in McPherson County, protecting his turkey flock has been his life’s

Call Ducks: One Judge’s Perspective
This article on Call Ducks is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. I began judging Call ducks in 1970 and it is amazing how

Welsh Harlequin Duck
This article on the Welsh Harlequin Duck is being republished from Acorn Hollow Bantams website with permission from Lou Horton. Please note image is of a Gold Welsh Harlequin which

The Dominique: True All-American
Dominique. Pilgrim fowl. Old Gray Hen. Blue Spotted Hen. Dominico. Dominecker. The Dominique chicken has gone through all of these names through the years, and could be comparable to the

Silkies: What Makes a Champion
One of the most popular and unique breeds of poultry is the Silkie chicken. Silkies are a true bantam, meaning there is no large fowl version of the Silkie, and